Corey8 has been put on the sidelines

This topic contains 109 replies, has 0 voices, and was last updated by  corey heather 14 years, 5 months ago.

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    i really dont know, my bike is a 05 model and i would be up dating more than anything, i havent heard anything major with fuel injection especially as they have had a couple of years of them now ( this is my major hurdle as i can work on a carby and know F#ck all about injection) but weather i go another husky or one of the jap brands i just dont know


    singletrackmind wrote:

    Your advice to slow down the rebound definatley helped Nicks bike though Corey. The front end looks to be tracking much better and he gets up hills on his own B)


    I’m not going to pretend i am a shit hot rider or any thing but i do know when a bikes front end feels like it wants to spring back and give you an upper cut :laugh:

    I noticed the big diffrence when i road it in the last bit.

    After my last check up i can see my “3” months off the bike is going to be much longer i did stuff it right up hey



    i had to replace my fork seals the other week Corey and the front end always felt a bit hard so i replaced the oil it was 7.5 wt oil with a 90 mm air gap so ichanged it to a 5 wt oil and run a 100mm air gap now and the front end sweet nowCorey8 wrote:

    singletrackmind wrote:

    Your advice to slow down the rebound definatley helped Nicks bike though Corey. The front end looks to be tracking much better and he gets up hills on his own B)


    I’m not going to pretend i am a shit hot rider or any thing but i do know when a bikes front end feels like it wants to spring back and give you an upper cut :laugh:

    I noticed the big diffrence when i road it in the last bit.

    After my last check up i can see my “3” months off the bike is going to be much longer i did stuff it right up hey


    Corey8 wrote:

    singletrackmind wrote:

    Your advice to slow down the rebound definatley helped Nicks bike though Corey. The front end looks to be tracking much better and he gets up hills on his own B)


    I’m not going to pretend i am a shit hot rider or any thing but i do know when a bikes front end feels like it wants to spring back and give you an upper cut :laugh:

    I noticed the big diffrence when i road it in the last bit.

    After my last check up i can see my “3” months off the bike is going to be much longer i did stuff it right up hey

    Sorry to hear that mate :(


    Mick D

    Corey8 wrote:

    For those of you who have ridden the KLX you would know what i am talking about and the HUGE amount of low end power they have and thats why I love them so much

    That’s why you liked my BRP so much Corey. Grunt mate Grunt. :laugh:


    Sorry to hear that mate :([/quote]

    Not as much as me Scott i was so keen to come back to your end of the woods and the poker run :(


    Mick D

    Which leg did you break Corey? Not your kickstarter leg??


    micknmeld wrote:

    Corey8 wrote:

    For those of you who have ridden the KLX you would know what i am talking about and the HUGE amount of low end power they have and thats why I love them so much

    That’s why you liked my BRP so much Corey. Grunt mate Grunt. :laugh:

    Not going to lie Mick i LOVED ridding that BRP of yours up that hill it was so much fun



    thats no good Corey for anyone, when i found out from the radiographer that i dislocated it and didnt break it something i was hi 5ing her but before thaT i was was feeling pretty bad about how long all this was goin to take to healCorey8 wrote:

    singletrackmind wrote:

    Your advice to slow down the rebound definatley helped Nicks bike though Corey. The front end looks to be tracking much better and he gets up hills on his own B)


    I’m not going to pretend i am a shit hot rider or any thing but i do know when a bikes front end feels like it wants to spring back and give you an upper cut :laugh:

    I noticed the big diffrence when i road it in the last bit.

    After my last check up i can see my “3” months off the bike is going to be much longer i did stuff it right up hey


    micknmeld wrote:

    Which leg did you break Corey? Not your kickstarter leg??

    Right leg mate

    My biggest piss off is the no driving :angry:


    It will heal, time will pass and I am not going anywhere.

    We will get out there again as soon as you are fit and well.



    Mick D

    Pity about the Poker run too mate. It was you that suggested it in the first place or sowed the seed of thought anyhow. :(


    Well fingers crossed there is a light at the end of the tunnel. On monday the 28th see’s me back in Coffs fracture clinic where i hope to have the cast taken off and xrays done and if all is good to have a screw taken out so i can stand on my leg.


    Good luck mate!

    Hopefully in the not too distant future the only reason you will have to drive to Coffs will be to get your bike to my place B)




    hope all goes well for you Corey and you get back as soon as you can

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