Corey8 has been put on the sidelines

This topic contains 109 replies, has 0 voices, and was last updated by  corey heather 14 years, 5 months ago.

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  • #185229

    Nick Jackson

    After I broke my leg I lost a heap of muscle but it’s surprizing how quickly it comes back, swimming is great and then when it’s improved a lot I used a bosu ball, which is like a large ball cut in half and mounted to a plastic disc. This was excellant for strengthening my leg by just standing on it and balancing, then as the leg improved more stand on one leg then the other. This is obviously quite a way into the recovery but I still use it now as it’s great for keeping your balance and stabilizers in check.


    Lay your old mans Banana on its side and pick it up again. Reapeat as necessary and you will be back to full strength in no time :laugh:

    All the best on recovery mate and I look forward to seeing you out on the Coffs loops in November.


    Dwayne O

    Thats great news on the progress Corey,
    Yeah, the pool sounds like the go for a while till ya can slowly build it up to more vigorous stuff. I`m sure you will be directed on what type of physio to undertake by your surgeon anyway,,, Whatever he says to do, do it & all will be fine ;)



    Hi Corey,

    I’m with Eagle. Get advice from Surgeon and/or physio. Don’t do a TB and NOT do the exercises. Do them with the same passion as you have with riding.

    It’s not all about getting muscle mass…. you have to teach the muscles how to activate again and more importantly you need to balance between stretching and strengthening. That’s why you need professional direction.

    Good luck and be patient otherwise you will have a lifetime of problems…. trust me… I’m in that situation with my knee.




    Your such a dobber Kat :laugh: I didnt do the “pre operation” exerices and she has none yet for my knee (but the knees coming good on its own ;) ) so :P



    So just a quick recap on my last 12 weeks, Broke my right leg, that night after op find out i might have sleep apnea (i’ll look into that one later), 10 days later getting a DVT (bloods clots) in my muscle, get layed up for the next 8 weeks and need a baby sitter to help me, 1 week later get a stav infection, going into get surgery done tomorrow a day earlier then first planed but if my INR levels are to high then it will be put off for a month :( and to top it all off i take bridie to the doctors this arvo only to walk (crutcher) out of there w…ith a script and a appointment for next week with what my gp think could be ashma.




    must be driving you insane Corey , i was off for 10 months with physio and rehab witha broken femur was even intraction for a month so icouldnt even move when iwas 20 so i know the frustration you must be feeling i hope something goes right for you soon ,p.s hurry up and get better ive got a new bike to try out on them big hills up there !!!


    huskybloke wrote:

    must be driving you insane Corey , i was off for 10 months with physio and rehab witha broken femur was even intraction for a month so icouldnt even move when iwas 20 so i know the frustration you must be feeling i hope something goes right for you soon ,p.s hurry up and get better ive got a new bike to try out on them big hills up there !!!

    I saw the pics of that new bike of yours and it looks sweet even for a KTM :laugh: yeah i can’t wait to get back on the bike honestly


    Paul Fahey

    Hey Corey8, got to love the ramifications of get older! A broken bone and you get all the added bonuses like blood clots etc. They certainly put the panic’s up the doctor. How are those needles in the gut, and the great bruises that they leave – an added bonus, then the tables and the blood tests – for s##t sake I only broke my leg!

    Sorry to hear about your fate; all the best!

    Huskybloke – one of my young blokes just got back on his bike(last weekend) after 6 months on the side line with a broken femur. One very happy camper. Still got the plate in his leg but doctor gave him the all clear. No racing yet – orders of she who must be obeyed.



    Well i am up and walking (unaided) after today surgery and now game on for full recovery to make the Coffs Harbour ride B)



    Corey8 wrote:

    Well i am up and walking (unaided) after today surgery and now game on for full recovery to make the Coffs Harbour ride B)

    great news mate.keep working on it.

    I need some post holes dug 😆 😆 😆

    see you at coffs :)


    Alan Heather

    Boony wrote:

    Corey8 wrote:

    Well i am up and walking (unaided) after today surgery and now game on for full recovery to make the Coffs Harbour ride B)

    great news mate.keep working on it.

    I need some post holes dug 😆 😆 😆

    see you at coffs :)

    No you dont corey and post hole diggers dont mix. 😆


    Nick Jackson

    Good to here Corey first 2 legs then 2 wheels ;) :)


    Good news mate.

    If you are ready to go before November give me a yell.



    singletrackmind wrote:

    Good news mate.

    If you are ready to go before November give me a yell.


    I will Scott i would be keen to do a small 1/2 dayer or something to get in to it slowly

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