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  • #173575

    Matt Baker

    Thats why I didn’t write a report about our ride Hatto

    plus without pictures its not as interesting


    Matt Baker

    I usually only do a report to tease Bob for not being there and telling him how good it was.

    But he was there this time, and I already rang him up and told him how good the riding on Sunday was.



    micknmeld wrote:

    I deleted it!! I have never seen a ride report go to shit as fast as that one did. Sometimes it makes me wonder why I bother,it took me over an hour to put it together and it went to shit in 10 minutes.

    Thats hardly a fair comment Mick, given that someone said something then said they were only fishing, when someone baited them they got upset shit happens. Give it be prepared to take it.

    I like ride reports sorry for getting invloved this morning but it was an opening I couldnt resist :laugh:

    As for things going to shit here sometimes its the nature of the beast ;)



    Craig Hatton

    LC4skin wrote:

    Thats why I didn’t write a report about our ride Hatto

    plus without pictures its not as interesting

    Fair enough, although if someone wants to cry about not getting an invite – they better be able to take as good as they give. Anyway you invited me, so you would have to cop it :P 😆 😆
    Did any of bobs bike cam work out.
    It was good to meet some old bulls, the ride was good, maybe next time your down, we might go and explore those couple singles we came across.

    Things like this really shit me big time, If going for a ride invite who you want, you cant invite everyone all the time. Sometimes you just want a couple people to ride with. If so called friends/ fellow riders chuck a hissy fit about not being asked, then not worth have as friends/ fellow ride buddies IMO


    Matt Baker

    Hatto wrote:

    LC4skin wrote:

    Thats why I didn’t write a report about our ride Hatto

    plus without pictures its not as interesting

    Things like this really shit me big time, If going for a ride invite who you want, you cant invite everyone all the time. Sometimes you just want a couple people to ride with. If so called friends/ fellow riders chuck a hissy fit about not being asked, then not worth have as friends/ fellow ride buddies IMO

    Sorry Hatto I dont know what you are talking about, i didnt witness Micks thread go to shit, im just a slack bastard that cant be bothered writing a report


    Craig Hatton

    LC4skin wrote:

    Hatto wrote:

    LC4skin wrote:

    Thats why I didn’t write a report about our ride Hatto

    plus without pictures its not as interesting

    Things like this really shit me big time, If going for a ride invite who you want, you cant invite everyone all the time. Sometimes you just want a couple people to ride with. If so called friends/ fellow riders chuck a hissy fit about not being asked, then not worth have as friends/ fellow ride buddies IMO

    Sorry Hatto I dont know what you are talking about, i didnt witness Micks thread go to shit, im just a slack bastard that cant be bothered writing a report

    LC – not slack at all
    The bottom part of that was about micks thread which had been pulled, Tb and I had posted a little earlier, I just added in here – trying to keep my post count down, unlike Tb :P 😆


    LC isnt slack, he can lick his own nipples :laugh: :laugh: :laugh:



    Matt Baker

    menace wrote:

    LC isnt slack, he can lick his own nipples :laugh: :laugh: :laugh:


    Thats fucking horrible


    LC4skin wrote:

    menace wrote:

    LC isnt slack, he can lick his own nipples :laugh: :laugh: :laugh:


    Thats fucking horrible

    youre horrible murial :laugh: :laugh:


    Matt Baker

    I think the word you are after is terrible


    LC4skin wrote:

    I think the word you are after is terrible

    youre horrible terrible :laugh: :laugh:



    Matt Baker

    fuck you menace


    Matt Baker

    Orange toast. What the fuck???? shit.jpg


    LC4skin wrote:

    Orange toast. What the fuck???? shit.jpg

    na, its a safety device, you put your fingers in and if your stupid enough to turn it on you dont deserve to own a KTM

    …then you are degraded to a honda :laugh: :laugh: :laugh: :laugh:



    its what ktm guage their power off

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