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    Mick D

    No rabbit’s foot required, the good juju has already started, a well known Old Bull has scored a gig in the score tower of the A4DE, maybe he could be open to some graft and corruption!!



    micknmeld wrote:

    No rabbit’s foot required, the good juju has already started, a well known Old Bull has scored a gig in the score tower of the A4DE, maybe he could be open to some graft and corruption!!

    Excellent :woohoo:

    Dear old bull in score tower. I would like to be about mid pack in the vetrens please. If you can sort that each day I can sit around and get on the cans with TB. :P

    I’m happy to ride the 4th day if that helps. :)


    Bruce Curtis

    There has been no posts for 2 and a half hours on a friday arvo, either you Blokes have instigated POETS day or are actually working?

    Comeone Bulls post something, anything, I need to stop being productive……



    Mr Blue wrote:

    There has been no posts for 2 and a half hours on a friday arvo, either you Blokes have instigated POETS day or are actually working?

    Comeone Bulls post something, anything, I need to stop being productive……

    Ok Mr Blue who is going to win the F1 race and who will win the V8s this weekend overall. I’m sure this will pull some of the rev heads to comment.



    The F1 race and the commodore cup you mean festa
    holdens trying to buy the championship.

    go the blue oval



    Mick D

    Well I have been head down arse up doing what I am actually paid to do today,I only stopped to ring TB for a minute, only to find out he was out on his bike talking on the phone to me via Bluetooth. Riding while I was working, kinda wish I hadn’t rung the bastard now. :S



    Boony wrote:

    The F1 race and the commodore cup you mean festa
    holdens trying to buy the championship.Boony

    Fairs fair Boony the commodore isn’t really a commodore and the falcon ain’t really a falcon anymore ;) . Their would be more fords racing this year if ford australia were’t so tight arsed and gave the ford teams some financial backing. Oh and if ford had a product that was competive they might have stayed in the championship, but they saw the falcon had run its best races and thats that. :P



    Uncle Fester wrote:

    Boony wrote:

    The F1 race and the commodore cup you mean festa
    holdens trying to buy the championship.Boony

    Fairs fair Boony the commodore isn’t really a commodore and the falcon ain’t really a falcon anymore ;) . Their would be more fords racing this year if ford australia were’t so tight arsed and gave the ford teams some financial backing. Oh and if ford had a product that was competive they might have stayed in the championship, but they saw the falcon had run its best races and thats that. :P

    I can`t hear you :cheer:


    geez Fez, next youll be trying to tell me Bob Jane is a good bloke :laugh: :laugh: :laugh:


    Bruce Curtis

    Thanks alot you mongrels, because there was no-one posting here i had to research mobile scaffolding, and while doing so apparently fell asleep at my desk with my finger on the mouse button, and because there is video on mobile phones three of the girls in the office now have “get out of gaol free” tickets…. DOH.

    Christ Mobile scaffolding is interesting, almost as interesting as that farce know as V8 supercar(snores), bring back touring cars with honest to goodness sit on the edge of your seat proper production type cars, and real world capabilities, not this “good ole boy” AUSCAR crap.

    Who cares who’ll win the V8s, just be a clone of the second placegetter anyway




    Mr Blue wrote:

    bring back touring cars with honest to goodness sit on the edge of your seat proper production type cars BC

    I hope your not refering to those 2.0litre rice burners or german crap cars that no-one can afford. As the old saying goes the only thing that should come in 2.0 litres is milk and coke. Mind you I have own a skyline GTS in the past, but I do love my Holdens.


    Adrian Lee

    First beer down,more to come.



    Yeah 286kms, tar, dirt, twins and singles, oh and the bloody 250 metre hill that took 4 attempts on the NX just after I spoke with Mick :angry:

    Second rum for the day now, other was a counter lunch gota love poets day :laugh:



    Adrian Lee

    Second beer gone.also had some cabana,chillie pickled onions and tatziki dip.whats everyone having for dinner?



    BEER :)

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