Credit Card WARNING!!

This topic contains 7 replies, has 0 voices, and was last updated by  Damo 15 years, 4 months ago.

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  • #97264

    Eric Smith

    I just got off the phone from by bank (NAB). They called me to let me know that there were some unauthorised transactions on my credit card overnight. Buggers hit it up for nearly $3000! Fortunately the NAB Fraud mob picked it up and froze the account, and once I fill in the right forms and tick the correct boxes we will not be out of pocket.

    The old card is now cancelled and a new one issued.

    What did I do wrong? Well, apparently the most likely way the scammers got hold of my credit card details is by a random account number generator. So there is no way I could have prevented this. I was very concerned because my card is only used for local purchases and the only international supplier I have is Google Adwords. :dry:

    So what can you do? Keep a close eye on your credit card balance. If you have netbank, check the balance regularly. The quicker you pick up a problem the better. If you have a questionable charge, call the bank immediately. This is not a problem with the physical card being compromised, this is some geek hacker in a dark room somwhere playing pathetic games with computers. :angry: :angry:

    They are out there folks – TAKE CARE! :angry:

    smiley-violent003.gif smiley-violent090.gif



    I was done the same way and other than being a little anxious it wasn’t an issue for the c’wealth to fix over 2months or so.


    Eric Smith

    Yes, it is very common apparently.

    Just another tip: Look for transactions on your account with a note along the lines of “ANNUAL FEE” or similar, these transactions are used to check that the numbers are valid.

    Looking now I can see two “ANNUAL FEE” charges for $7.50 that appeared last night. :angry:



    Mine was two purchases – one for baby clothes and then about $3k on a rental car in turkey!



    My auntie got done a while back too, bloody bastards!


    I got done a few years back myself, they were only small purchases and my wife at the time used to look after all the bills so I didn’t notice them until I saw a statement a couple of months later. They were only able to reclaim the ones that were less than a month old and said it was too late for the others. My details were taken from an internet site that had been hacked.
    My partner got a call from the bank last year to see if she was in China as there had been a transaction there so they are on the ball.


    This is becoming all to common. The banks official line that it is computer hacker that are getting into the system is BS. Most times your information is past on to fraud rings by company insiders. With the banks now having call centres would wide they are having trouble keeping track of who has access to our personal details and accounts.

    Only this week I was invovled in an surveillance job were we managed to catch a group of these crooks in the act. They had netted over $950,000 in the past 2 years. This group had been recieving account information from a bank insider who, even with all the banks sercurity measures, has yet to be identified and is no dought still working for the bank.

    Not much we can do to protect ourselves from this other to use a bank that will cover you against this kind of fraud.



    Yep, got done last week. Only about $100 but no doubt only the start of it.

    Dealing with bank now to resolve.

    Check your statements every time!

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