Crf 250 being difficult to start

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This topic contains 41 replies, has 0 voices, and was last updated by  murph the surf 10 years, 11 months ago.

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    Nick Jackson

    Same here , I had a shim fitted and after 1 decent ride at Micks they closed again . False economy in my opinion if the valves are the standard shit ones.



    In my experience I would crack the head from new and drop the kibbles straight in and save the future grief. It is really the only weakness in what is otherwise a brilliant bike. You have been lucky to get this long out of them Snowy.
    The stock valves are made from a secret composite of PlayDo and chalk :blink:
    A company as experienced as Honda should know better!!



    Eric Smith
    singletrackmind wrote:
    In my experience I would crack the head from new and drop the kibbles straight in and save the future grief. It is really the only weakness in what is otherwise a brilliant bike. You have been lucky to get this long out of them Snowy.
    The stock valves are made from a secret composite of PlayDo and chalk :blink:
    A company as experienced as Honda should know better!!


    Funny you should say that STM, whenever I ask a Honda dealer about it, they tell me there is NO valve problem and change the subject! Really, it beggers belief that Honda have let this go for so long, I mean anyone who doesn’t know about it must be living in a hole or something! And as for the dealers, why they don’t do exactly what you have and slip the heads off every new CRF and replace the valves I’ll never understand. Charge an extra $400 – $500 bucks and people will buy them in preference to the stock hand grenade versions! (Ok, maybe hand grenade is an exaggeration, but you know what I mean!)


    Matt Baker

    They need the lightest weight crappiest material available to make valves because they are a gutless POS 250 that can’t make power unless revving hard and fast. :laugh: :laugh: :laugh: :laugh:

    Hope its an easy fix Snowy. ;)


    Matt Baker

    Just checked out TBs head service link :P :P

    Forget the head service Snowy, go for the 30 mins for $300, plus an extra $200 for Greek!

    About the same price as Kibble Whites B)

    LC4skin wrote:
    They need the lightest weight crappiest material available to make valves because they are a gutless POS 250

    Which suits my ability just fine


    It lives it breathes

    Im def not a mechanic. If Deamus hadnt been here I hate to think where the cam timing would have ended up. Now to see how long I get out of it before I have to put ss valves in it.


    Adam Rodgers
    snowy09 wrote:
    It lives it breathes

    Im def not a mechanic. If Deamus hadnt been here I hate to think where the cam timing would have ended up. Now to see how long I get out of it before I have to put ss valves in it.

    Two rides is all you need ;)




    Good to hear its going again mate. Well done


    Far out, Snowman
    I am hoping you get at least two days out of the poor little Honda. B)
    No pressure, but I have taken a Saturday off :ohmy: :pinch: to enjoy the look on your Tamworthians face when dealt the Joker Card. 👿 :whistle:

    Ha, don’t think we are all in town clowns.
    I never, well, have not been to town for a loooooong time. :silly:
    Them games are over. :ohmy:

    We’s just chillin
    Yet strangely keen to see how the Tamworth “chapter” performs. 👿 :whistle: :laugh: :laugh: :laugh: :laugh: :laugh: :laugh: :laugh: :laugh: :laugh: :laugh: :laugh: :laugh: :laugh: :laugh: :laugh: :laugh: :laugh: :laugh: :laugh: :laugh: :laugh: :laugh: :laugh: :laugh: B) B) B) B)
    Kinda lost my way. :silly:


    Matt Baker

    Happy days Snowman B)


    On saying all that. ;)
    I honestley think that Honda should of cut the contract with those who provide the plastasine v/v’s.
    It is just crap. :silly: Yes I’m sure there are more politics involved. :(
    While I am at it. :unsure: ;)
    After riding with a young fella, who had trouble with his battery??
    After changing batteries,he still had issues :side:
    I don’t like to rubbish certain brands of bikes, BUT????
    I really do think they lost the plot when they took away the kiker from an enduearo bike.

    :ohmy: ;) ;) ;) ;) ;) ;) ;) :(

    “Anyway, thats all I have to say about that”

    Murph, morphing into something else. :whistle:

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