DAMN it sure is quiet on here this weekend!!

This topic contains 15 replies, has 0 voices, and was last updated by  Mal 11 years, 8 months ago.

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    What is everyone else doing that’s not at the 5th Birthday Bash?

    I just mowed the lawn … woopee :huh:

    Think I might whipper-snipper now … and maybe start drinkin’ :blink: :silly:



    I’m being led around Australia fair at the gold coast with my wife. I did find a MX shop though and spend a little bit. I also got an ion air pro action cam … more on that later



    craig evans

    iv pressure wash concrete around the house, half the walls , moved dogs to dryer ground, washed bike quickly with pressure washer, fixed clutch problem on husky, wind kicking in ere now bit chilly so mite work on ktm oil change, filters change and stay out of the wind, reliezed last nite haven’t got rego renewal for ktm and husky 👿 so now have to start again , lucky I havnt been away riding that could have been a bit expensive :blink: :blush:


    Washed and polished my old WB ute and put a different set of wheels on it.


    Adrian Lee

    I just packed my gear bag and loaded the bike ready for a quick blat tomorrow.



    Had a nice sleep in, watched a movie with kids, got some new bars and grips for the sons bike, played a game of hockey, some beers after hockey, son and I fitted bars and grips, sharpened chain saw, cut some fire wood

    Tomorrow, more fire wood, some fencing and garden work then off for a ride with my kids

    All good fun for me!!!


    craig evans

    you’ve been busier then me medogrocket and your going for a ride with everything you have on tomorrow :blink: I take my hat of to you


    Got to spend time with my granddaughter. It’s been a while, good day



    riden all day tomorrow can t wait. been a homeboy today worken around the house


    Finished work at 4 for a day then back next week until tuesday then a week off. Prepped the gasgas for next weekends enduro round 3.


    Gonnah go and se a band tonight
    AINT DONE dat in a long timeas
    Shall report back soon or later


    Adrian Lee

    Oh bugger murph going out on the cans, ill have some moderating to do in the morning :laugh: :laugh:



    it may be entertaining but


    aido wrote:
    Oh bugger murph going out on the cans, ill have some moderating to do in the morning :laugh: :laugh:

    It’s ok Aido I’m here all night. I’ll get him before anyone sees it. :laugh:

    No much on today. Sleep in then watched a friends kids in a horse jumping comp then bed and now work.



    Very quite indeed, AMA motorcross is live on foxtel in the morning if any ones interested.

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