Denman Pub Ride 22nd March

Home Forums Ride Gatherings NSW Rides Denman Pub Ride 22nd March

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    Dr D wrote:

    Ok Guys and lady’s

    Dr D with be attending this ride but can you give some idea on how much oil i need to bring for this ride Trailboss or do i just premix some fuel for the support vehicle to carry.

    Dr D

    You will be fueling least twice maybe three times, need to be able to do 120klms on a tank, there will be three bikes that will have extra fuel should you need it again




    at 5am this morning (sucks because i went to bed at 1:30) i realised that round 1 of the nsw enduro series is on at the watagans at the same time as the deenman ride. ‘so what’ you may say.

    normally we, central coast dirt riders, have to close the roads when we have these events.
    the enduro is being held in the basin area so it may not effect our route.
    however, i’ll email the club to see if the denman ride is effected (i can’t find road closure info anywhere on the web)



    I was aware of this Champo, as I am a CCDRC member I noticed it was the same weekend, we are well away from where they are so I cant see there being the slightest drama :)




    that’s why your the boss



    to tell the truth, if i kept a calender, i may have did the enduro instead


    Gavin Brown

    G’Day Guys,

    Mind if I tag along on this ride? It sounds good.



    Done GavB, already there on the list Eagle looked after you




    i’m toying with the idea of bringing the nx
    i was going to go get trail tyres yesterday and try them out. but tm pipe issues kept me in the garage to long.

    so i’ll get tyres tomorrow. and a pipe. as i’m mostly doing trailriding these days, maybe the 08 pipe (later model tms are tamer) will suit me better.

    i did learn at the hillend ride that 300 tm 2 strokes handle high speed trails fine.

    tb, do you reckon a nobby nx with 21 inch will handle the route ok?



    I wouldnt take mine but if you are riding with Tracy sure why not:)


    EAGLE`02 wrote:

    Jeffro wrote:

    I see the ride leaves the pines camping area, I have been there once and apparently took the long way in on the dirt road from Cooranbong, then got lost and found an even longer way out:angry: . Can someone give me directions to get there the quickest way from Woodberry, or I can meet someone and follow them.


    Yeah Jeffro,
    No dramas, looks like I will be bringing Dan & KylieD as we are using their trailer for the day. They live on the way, so you can either follow me or we can meet at Cooranbong as TB mentioned.
    Will post a time during next week when final arrangements are made;)

    I,m another one who may need assistance with finding the Pines.
    Only been there once and that was a long time ago.


    Dwayne O

    All good Scotty,
    Ya can follow us up from the Fire Station or Mandalong Rd turnoff if ya need to. Will post our expected time to be down that way before the weekend,,,,
    Gonna be approx 6.30 at the firestation I think, will confirm later;)
    We can have a little OBT convoy thing happenin



    hey tb
    what do you think our eta to putty half way house would be (all going well) so that the brother inlaw can hook up with us just a rough idea i was going to ring him when we got to laguna anyway i reckon its about a hour from there. so it would give him time to get from broke out to putty
    cheers dave



    husky wrote:

    hey tb
    what do you think our eta to putty half way house would be (all going well) so that the brother inlaw can hook up with us just a rough idea i was going to ring him when we got to laguna anyway i reckon its about a hour from there. so it would give him time to get from broke out to putty
    cheers dave

    If we leave at 7 from the pines, I wasnt going to stop at Laguna now as it is less than 90kms to the halfway road house at Putty. I would think we will be there between 9.00 and 10.00




    Hi TB,
    love to join in this ride if there’s still room.


    Dwayne O

    tryhard wrote:

    Hi TB,
    love to join in this ride if there’s still room.

    Good on Ya Joe,
    Gav told me ya were keen,,,,,, Tb will add you soon, see ya there

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