Denman Pub Ride 22nd March

Home Forums Ride Gatherings NSW Rides Denman Pub Ride 22nd March

This topic contains 227 replies, has 0 voices, and was last updated by  Anonymous 15 years, 12 months ago.

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    Hi Eagle,

    I was thinking it would be easiest for me if I meet you at or near your place, that way I can’t get lost without someone else to blame, which is always a good card to have up your sleeve :P :blush: Let me know where and when. Just about to head home now so I will check in for details tomorrow.

    Have a good night everyone


    Dwayne O

    No worries either way for me either mate, I will need to meet the others at the station & lead em up so I will be better getting there around 6 I think. That gives em time to suit up , meet OBT guys etc,,,, We will sort something by then ;)


    Dwayne O

    Cheers Jeffro,
    I will call you some time saturday with address, times etc.
    No panic, ya won`t be lost man :laugh:


    I was talking to Husky today too, apparently he said the farmer wont give the key out.:angry: Something about those east coast boys not shutting the gates and it taking 3 weeks to sort out a few thousand cattle, I will find out more tomorrow.



    Seeing that you have a bit of a convoy happening Eagle, we will meet you up there and put the trailer on your car when we get there. Save you having to take everyone the long way round to get there.

    Also I wont have to get up too early. (I’m a lazy bastard after all):P



    TB can you take some OBT stickers for me to buy? I am after 3 if possible.


    Dwayne O

    No Worries mate,
    I will have another couple of tie downs thrown in, just in case;)



    Don’t forget the secret handshake!:woohoo:



    champo35 wrote:

    the secret satement is.
    i say ‘here, you dropped your novelty dog poo’
    you reply ‘what novelty dog poo?’
    then i’ll know you are from OBT and show you the way

    Haha! That’s gold.

    I think that should be used for every OBT ride from now. Even if you know the person :P



    We are no longer going to Denman, because the gate issue cannot be guaranteed we will not be going there. The ride will still have a lunch somewhere, maybe a pub but it will still be a great ride out around the Putty area.
    Eagle can you please ring me tonight regarding the support vehicle role.

    Cheers TB



    Damn, that’s no good :( Are you still alright to be me back the garlic bread?



    We are no longer going to Denman, because the gate issue cannot be guaranteed we will not be going there. The ride will still have a lunch somewhere, maybe a pub but it will still be a great ride out around the Putty area.
    Eagle can you please ring me tonight regarding the support vehicle role.

    Cheers TB

    This post was repeated so it can for a while be the last post and increase the chances of people seeing it

    People that aren’t going Moto could just stay of it for a little while and I promise I will organise you a garlic bread :)


    Eric Smith

    I think you should change the name of this ride since you are no longer going to Denman. Maybe call it the Aborted Denman Bash or ADB for short?

    (Just doing my bit to keep this thread on top of the New Posts list…)



    Whatever, if I change the name they maybe only looking for Denman information, I dont know just doing what I thought was the go

    We are no longer going to Denman, because the gate issue cannot be guaranteed we will not be going there. The ride will still have a lunch somewhere, maybe a pub but it will still be a great ride out around the Putty area.
    Eagle can you please ring me tonight regarding the support vehicle role.

    Cheers TB

    Thanks ECKS


    Dwayne O

    What a bummer, I will call ya TB, have pm`d you for the number mate,,,,
    Talk then

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