
This topic contains 7 replies, has 0 voices, and was last updated by  drew 10 years, 3 months ago.

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    craig evans

    ok people this aint easy so he goes, iv been to the docs and been told iv got depression , my loving wife has told me for yrs and iv never listern to her and shrugged it off and used every excuse possiable.

    I haven’t had and easy life from being crippled and told I would never walk again from a major accident to working 18 to 20 hrs a day 7 days aweek for weeks on end , iv been burnt out and put in hospital 3 times.

    iv worked 3 jobs at a time just because I wanted the money .

    iv had major health issues from crook lungs , a heart attack a cpl yrs ago , thiriode problems, major back problems that surgons don’t want to touch, so im just waiting for the day im in a wheelchair, my loving wife which iv been with for 10 yrs has been fighting cancer , for that whole time , and she had a major opp this yr and the docs couldn’t believe how bad she was. she fine atm thank you god for that I would be lost with out her.

    what im about to say is horriable but my wife threaten to leave and take my kids from me because she didn’t want to watch me destroy myself and come home 1 day and find me laying somewere lifeless, I don’t blame her ,so the shock has made me jump on the net and have a look at the symptoms and I was shattered to read that iv got most of them :blink: some of my friends has noticed this and everytime somebody tried to talk about it I birred up, and walked away.

    for a exsample those of you who know me know me as the quite person , who helps everybody , who is so patient, polite , easy going bloke , I was walking to the woolies supermarket to get a cpl things and a bloke who was trying to raise money for the paralipians got in my face and made a comment I didn’t like which I told him to back of and im not interested in which he commented make me with a lol so basicly I sat him on his ass in the doorway to woolies , I rang the wife and told her what had happened and she went off at me because that’s not like me so that was proberly were this all start the threat of leaving me .

    my wife is a loving woman who many of you can vouch for but she loved me to bits but she was near the end of her tether and that was my choice lucky for me after the research I did talking to my boss and friends they all ageed, and the shock has got me to the docs on tablets and iv got to go back next week so I cant sort out some visits to another spicialest.

    please guys don’t let it get to the stage iv got to, list to people talk to somebody, see somebody, don’t matter how tough you are you still can become a victom like me

    so a big thanx must go out to my DARLING WIFE RACHAEL and MY FRIENDS close to me here

    the fight now begins for my real true happness again.

    cheers wolfie

    if you want a chat let me know im more then willing to try and help or even my wife



    ;) B) :)

    Obt family is here champ.



    Thanks for having the courage to share Wolfie. As Boony Said, the OBT family is here and only ever a keyboard away.



    Massive respect for speaking up Craig. You have it all in front of you know, go forth mate we are all here



    Wayne Drew

    Hi Wolfie

    Mate sounds like you have had more than your share of bad luck , depression is a nasty bitch and based on experience sometimes takes way to long to be diagnosed .
    I am like you mate luckily I have a loving wife who has put up with a fair bit over the last 30 years .
    My diagnosis come after suffering for most of my life going through highs and very lows , its the same old story you go to the doctors describing how you feel , they send you for blood tests and way you go everything is OK .
    I remember reading a story in sidetrack magazine written by Tony Kirby on his fight with depression , I read that story and the next day took the magazine to my doctor , threw it on his table and told him that was my illness .
    I have been on medication since and life has totally changed for me , the lows are still there but manageable.
    Anyway mate I hope things work out for you and the wife mate , I hope you get on top of that bitch .



    craig evans

    thanx guys I know its going to be a huge battle ahead of me but my lovely wife is by my side and im stoked and all my friends and you guys .

    iv had highs and lows to drewy aswell and mood swings from being happy laughn to within seconds havn to walk away and cry in private

    my diagnosis didn’t take ages it was all me I wasn’t man enough to get help when my awesome wife tried, since iv taken the first step thanx to my wife who threnten to take everything I love away it has been very quick, since iv started amitting to it and talking yes I refused to talk about things I thought it was bullshit , trust me now talking does make you feel better [ sorry darling for not trusting you on this bit ]

    I know it not going to be easy but iv got good surport so that will make it easier


    Hey Wolfie,
    Glad to hear that you have confronted your demons and are getting help with it.
    Sounds like a bit of a rough year mate, but onwards and upwards for you now ;)
    Plenty of OBT help on offer too mate whenever you need it :)



    Sounds like you’re well on your way to getting on top of it. It’s not going to be easy as you know, but don’t give up if it looks like going south. See the Dr.

    With stats that 1 in 4 suffer depression at some stage, there is now a greater understanding not only in the medical profession but it’s starting to filter through to the wider community.

    Only other thing I can suggest is maybe see who your lovely lady can see to get as much insight on living with someone with depression as posable. Even if it’s your GP. It may help her to cope with it all just as much as it does you.

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