Dirtbike Territory Trail Ride

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This topic contains 21 replies, has 0 voices, and was last updated by  Aaron Wilde 15 years, 1 month ago.

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  • #161192

    Aaron Wilde

    PEP wrote:

    lock it in eddy. will be there with the monster kwaka to throw some rocks

    Lock what in? how can you be at your sons Christening and this ride at the same time? Something tells me youare going to be in a lot of trouble or it will be a quiet weekend! Oh well there is always Nundle next weekend. My sugestion is talk about how everybody is there having fun and you are not. ie guilt trip. Then say that it will make everthing alright if you can go to Nundle! Then you can lock it in. Please dont hold me resposible if u are in trouble for a long time if this plan fails.


    Aaron Wilde

    Sorry its taken a whle to wrap this one up but Max our photographer had a death in the family so could not send them to me. I tried photo bucket but to ad more than one pic but they tried to swindle me out of money so they can stick that until someone tells me how to do it on the tight arse side. This photo is of us at Wah Gorge (spelling?)next to some old troughs that fed out of a spring that are 120 years old or something like that. [img]http://www.obtrailriders.com/media/kunena/attachments/legacy/images/IMG_0061.JPG[/img]



    Photobucket is free mate ;) they tried to take money of you :huh:

    PM me if I can help with the pictures



    Aaron Wilde

    This Kelpie attacking Header pipe hill(right) and me falling off on petticoat hill (left) I did eventually get up petticoat. Blue was the only one to get up header pipe. The third hardest climb on the park. Its technical ony requires 1st or 2nd where as the other two hills require pure power aggression and skill. Only one twofitty has ever made it to the top of Horespower hill. Although it also made it to the bike shop for a rebuild aparently after.


    Aaron Wilde

    [img/] The very old troughs grp pic


    Aaron Wilde

    Is that right TB I have never seen a post on this site that looks like that but the link seems to work. How you did that one on your Xr 650 looked great this looks like an experiment!!



    hear are some more photo’s


    there are 21 photo’s at this link, here is just a couple





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