Doesn’t any one work here

This topic contains 42 replies, has 0 voices, and was last updated by  Mal 15 years, 2 months ago.

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    Sneak? Away from whom? :P

    Believe it or not (probably not) but I am doing work as well as posting on here. There is more posting than working going on but it was a valid point that needed to be made :laugh:



    WikdBeemer wrote:

    champo35 wrote:

    i’m in my hammock studying psychology and fasteners. Not at the same time though. Grape vine is overhead, birds are singing, warm breeze from the west

    No beer?

    not whilst working. actually not much at all. some freinds want to take me to a beer festival at maitland goal. :dry:
    racy has not drank beer since the last beer festival in Munich. :side:



    I dont drink at all either.



    No one Works “Here”,………… Oh except for Admin, :blush:

    “Here” ( This fine site) is where we play between rides! :P


    Whats worse, the fact that i am sitting here in my office with a mountain of paper or the fact that i’m not doing one bit of it thinking about the mounitains i’m going to attack on Sunday morning and maybe Saturday and what the hell Monday morning to.



    champo35 wrote:

    not whilst working. actually not much at all. some freinds want to take me to a beer festival at maitland goal. [/quote]

    Just be carfull if they try to offer you some home brew that was made at the jail. :laugh: :laugh: :laugh:

    If your’ve seen the movie “hangover” you’ll know what i mean. ;)

    Oh yea, thats right i’m ment/am to be working.


    Bruce Curtis

    Been stuck in a quarry most of the day doing machinery operator interviews, hot ‘n dusty and all the time I’m thinking, wonder if i could ride my bike up that bank over there, or looking over towards the ranges where I’ll be tomorrow on the back of the Warlock.

    Working is somethig I do to support my riding habit.



    So will you be taking your bike there to have a go. Got to love a steep hill and the challenge of getting up it, much prefer to go up then down them


    Corey8 wrote:

    Got to love a steep hill and the challenge of getting up it, much prefer to go up then down them

    ……and sometimes going up results in coming down whether you want to or not.

    The reason everyone is on here so much is that you are dealing with societies elite, people for whom time means nothin….either that or where all just a bunch of bludgers :ohmy: :huh: :blush:



    speaking of work. you back on red soil jeffro?


    I’ll go with bludging thanks jeffro.

    I done sweet FA all arvo but i still got at least 2 or 3 hours to go here



    Mr Blue wrote:

    Working is somethig I do to support my riding habit.

    I am with you here Bruce.

    Work just seems to get in the way of the weekends and riding.



    I’m still at work. Still in the hammock studying (i recomended studying in hammocks and bean bags because they are too hard to get out off and go get chocolate). But now the lorikeets are having an orgy in the tree. Not so quiet now


    Work just seems to get in the way of the weekends and riding.[/quote]

    Hey if you want to start something up and get a 2 day working week and 5 days off i will suport that for sure. Even if we work say mondays and thursdays then we could do a 2 dayer ride then a 3 dayer. Just a thought :silly:



    Corey8 wrote:

    Work just seems to get in the way of the weekends and riding.

    Hey if you want to start something up and get a 2 day working week and 5 days off i will suport that for sure. Even if we work say mondays and thursdays then we could do a 2 dayer ride then a 3 dayer. Just a thought :silly:[/quote]

    I work 3 and 4 day weeks now with 5 day breaks. I have to work nights and weekends though :( .

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