Dr650 Screen Mod

This topic contains 4 replies, has 0 voices, and was last updated by  David Mason 13 years, 5 months ago.

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    David Mason

    Recently purchased a Screens for Bikes Screen


    Peter was very helpfull. I ordered a light blue one and recieved a call from him explaining the one on his web site was Dark Blue which is what I really wanted.

    I fitted the screen by tapeing it in the lowest position possible and going for a test run. It lived up to all claims made reducing wind effect by about 20Km/h.

    I then lifted it as high as possible and found this gave me a wind vibration in my helmet.

    OK so low is where to fit it for me.

    Drilled holes and bolted it to bike.


    You may notice that the screen actually touched the top of the front plate and the brake line. I wanted to stop that as well as be able to remove the screen quickly for cleaning or take it off if not needed.

    Here is what I came up with.

    I started with a 10mm allen key bolt and drilled the centre out so I could tap a thread through it.


    The only ones I could get were Stainless Steel which is very hard to tap a thread in so I drilled the main hole from the top with a 4.5mm drill and then drilled from the bottom with a 6mm but not all the way so that I only had to tap about 10mm of thread not the full length of the bolt.(sorry about the blurry photo)

    Then bolted them onto the bike.


    Then the screen to the bolts.



    Test rode it yesterday and am very happy with the result.

    Only thing that I did wrong was the original two top holes needed to be about 5mm closer to the centre with the new bolts added.

    I intend to slot the holes closer to the centre and cover them by adding Stainless washers both sides.


    Nick Jackson

    Nice mod their Maso , it looks as though the same concept would work on any bike ?


    Dwayne O

    Yeah, Good work mate ;)
    Just watch out for “galling” (seizing) on the stainless threads if you take the screen on & off a bit,,,
    Best to use some quality anti sieze lubricant like Tefgel or Autolac, it helps stop corrosion too B)



    Ian Kersley

    Nice job maso
    The wind vibration you speak of i also found with an eagle screan, tried just about everything with no relief so its another
    shed ornament .

    Has anybody else had this problem ?

    cheers bones


    David Mason


    Correct mod should work on almost any bike.


    I would have prefered Aluminimum or even Brass (a lot easier to tap a thread in as well) but stainless was all I could fing with a decent looking head on the bolt and the Allen key recess made it easier to centre up the pilot hole.

    Anything I take off goes back on with either grease or Locktite depending on if it has to be locked or lubricated.

    I hate stuck screws and bolts.


    The wind vibration was due to the height. Maybe trying your Eagle screen at a different height may fix the problem.

    The other thing I found from researching a bit was it is important to have an air gap under the screen to allow airflow on both inside and outside of the screen so as not to create too much turbulence at the top edge of the screen.

    My method of mounting actually increases the amount of air gap but am yet to see where the water goes in the rain. Knowing my luck I would say directly at my goggles.

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