
This topic contains 143 replies, has 0 voices, and was last updated by  alan 9 years, 4 months ago.

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  • #249471

    Free vodkas at the Sheraton Dubai.



    :woohoo: :woohoo: :woohoo: :woohoo: on the rum and stubbys better get of face book and old bulls before i make a fool out of :whistle: :whistle: :whistle: still no riden :angry:



    thinking of getting an adventer bike :blink: naa just ran out of rum better get another 👿 would trash it anyway have a coon car :blink: :silly: spend to much time upside down could not handle one :whistle:



    just finished packing the ute for cessnock mx track tomorrow my youngest boy Will is doing the valley coast interclub series w ith me ,now its time for drinkin and watching the knights give it to the storm


    craig evans

    many a sore head here at home after our 12 yr old birthday most of the adults partied just as hard :sick: :sick: as the kids with kariokie ,dancing, singing [ no kids didn’t drink ] we didn’t finish till 2-30


    Dwayne O

    Planning on having a quiet drink or ten myself over the next week & a bit. Actually started friday arvo :laugh:
    Away on a Roadtrip of sorts to catch up with a few family members in a couple of locations between here & Brisvegas :whistle:

    No real hard plans for day to day,,, other than chasing the good weather and quite a few brews :woohoo:


    Wife and I sitting in a roof top bar in Athens, looking at the Acropolis, all lit up. Perfect night. B)


    simon burke

    My sectretary just got back from Vietnam and she bought me back a prezzy :cheer:
    Might save this for Menace for next years Nundle ride :P
    Pure baby Cobra :ohmy: :woohoo:

    Bol :woohoo:


    Ron Birrell
    BOLLOCKS wrote:
    My sectretary just got back from Vietnam and she bought me back a prezzy :cheer:
    Might save this for Menace for next years Nundle ride :P
    Pure baby Cobra :ohmy: :woohoo:

    Bol :woohoo:

    Takes chewing the worm to a whole new level hey



    challenge accepted Bols :laugh: :laugh: :laugh: :laugh: :laugh: :laugh:

    i’ll see your cobra, and raise you one scorpion :woohoo:


    Richard W

    Thank god its Friday, this having to go to bed an hour early is starting to shit me.


    holidays are fukin awesome……….


    Which means u would be availabe not this wed but next to give me a tour mate?

    Nato wrote:
    Which means u would be availabe not this wed but next to give me a tour mate?

    How about Friday arvo at the MX track Nato?



    Nick Jackson

    Missing all this riden sucks …… I’m going drinkin :D


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