Looks like I mght be losing the benefit of RDO`s and with that will go my cruisy solo rides I enjoy :dry:
There`s nothin` better that than getting out there in the scrub in relative silence, noone around and knowing you are getting paid to be there :laugh:
Today I headed out to do one of my usual rides thru the Watagans , but added a loop I haven`t done for a while.
Grabbed some fuel at Freemans before twisting thru the scrub to the Mountain Bike Park and up Mt Falk Rd.
Saw only one other bike (a 640 ADV going the other way)
so no dust to deal with 
Also only spotted one Wallaby and a Black snake all day, unusual for up there lately, normally the wallabies are thicker than Boony 
heading in towards the Mountain Bike Park, nice day started out ok but ended up pretty damn hot :S

Then decided to do the Old Mill Rd loop to Watagan Creek which has been one I have misssed for ages due to the 4×4 use and wet weather rut damage.
Anyway, it isn`t too bad at the moment and dry as so the ruts are solid and there is little chance of slipping into them :laugh:
Some pics of a few spots I stopped to check out before riding on

Only line hear was up the middle

Made it back up the climb to Watagan Creek Rd no dramas and decided to go back left to Walkers Ridge and take Murays Run Rd to Laguna for a cold refreshment,,,
After a rest at the Wine Bar I rode my favourite route, back across Watagan Creek Rd into the valley & up into the mountains again. I decided to try a test capturing some video using the I Pod :whistle:
HAd nowhere real safe to hold it though, so ended up with it sitting behind my camelback chest strap.
It was a tad precarious and I had to keep checking it was still there, so the pace was slower than normal (just) :silly:
Seemed to work ok and having a waterproof case on it I think it would be handy when the need arises for footage. Just need to rig up a holster for the chest strap, similar to the GoPro one I guess…
Will post a link to the vid when it uploads,,,,, there is an entertaining end to it :laugh: :laugh: :laugh: