EAGS` Friday ride to Sunny Corner 1st June 2012

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This topic contains 108 replies, has 0 voices, and was last updated by  Amy Harburg 12 years, 9 months ago.

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    Dwayne O
    Boony wrote:
    youll get lost beages!!!!!!! :laugh: :laugh: :laugh: :laugh: :laugh: :laugh: :laugh:

    :S NOPE,, No we won`t :whistle:
    :laugh: :laugh: :laugh:



    Just spoke to PTW. Dropping my swag off to his on Wed…just to be safe. Will load it up for the Sat ride.


    Dwayne O

    It`s looking like we will have some wet trails to contend with on friday :whistle: Adding to the challenge :laugh:

    Hopefully Mal 5.1 can give us a locals view on the BHT and whether we should give it a miss this time ??? Hope it`s still ok , but looking doubtful at the moment :(
    Have to look after Ace & the Beemer 😆

    Getting mighty close to launch now :woohoo:



    All sorted now Eags :cheer:
    Every ones gear is sorted and Bones is dropping in for beer on thursday arvo as well. :cheer:
    I nearly have my stuff together and will pack that thursday arvo, then a beer with Eags, Strucky, and Bones ;) then an early night, followed by an early morning when i meet up with WRsteve and Alyssa at 4 in the morning for the drive down. :laugh:

    Not long Now :woohoo: :woohoo: :woohoo:

    Im excited



    Dwayne O

    Love ya work Pete ;)

    I have everything ready except fuel, that I am getting tomorrow,,,
    Do ya think we might need an extra tarp for shelter (if so I can throw one in)

    See ya Thursday arvo :woohoo:



    I was thinking we might be alright Eags but then i also thought it couldnt hurt to throw it in to be on the safe side, chuck it in mate there will be room.


    Dwayne O

    Ok, will sort it out tonite then,, do we need any poles ??? I have some spare here that i took last year,,, I will throw them in anyway ;)

    Forecast for Yetholme is possible showers for the weekend and temps down to or below 0 :laugh:




    Awesome :)

    Did i mention that im excited ??? :woohoo: :woohoo: :woohoo:


    EAGLE`02 wrote:
    It`s looking like we will have some wet trails to contend with on friday :whistle: Adding to the challenge :laugh:

    Hopefully Mal 5.1 can give us a locals view on the BHT and whether we should give it a miss this time ??? Hope it`s still ok , but looking doubtful at the moment :(
    Have to look after Ace & the Beemer 😆

    Getting mighty close to launch now :woohoo:

    Hmmm…don’t let the Beemer get in the way of a good time Eags:P I do appreciate the concern though and would like to offer you prime position behind the bike to assist me up some slippery tracks to prevent damage to the plastics:pinch: :laugh: ;)

    After careful consideration(looking at the 7 day forecast last night) and approval from the minister for finance, i have the slick in the ute and am fitting up an off-road tyre tomoz;)

    Bike prepped, packed and ready to roll…bring it!:woohoo:


    Dwayne O

    Sweet as ;)
    Primed, prepped and ready to rip ,,,, That`s what I like to hear B)


    Dwayne O

    Cool Bananas :)
    Not long now, Spoke to Strucky this evening and he will be at my place tomorrow arvo between 4.30 -5pm.
    Run over to PTW`s to drop off some gear & have a brew with Bones then back home ready for launch :woohoo:

    Travel safe to the event all ;)


    simon burke

    Have a safetrip guys.see you for a sherbet Friday nigh t ;)
    Bol :woohoo:


    Dwayne O

    We will be ready for a few sherbets by then Boll :laugh:

    Cheers Roota B)



    :( Strucky is now driving down with Toes …
    See you at cooranbong at the meet time Ace …



    I’ll be there Eagle :) Rain, hail, snow or sun;)

    Dropped some gear off to PTW last night. Just to lighten the load a bit.

    Will try to hook the go pro to the helmet tonight and top up the fuel. I don’t think i will be getting much sleep tonight:side:

    Did i mention i’m excited:woohoo:

Viewing 15 posts - 91 through 105 (of 109 total)

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