EAGS` Friday ride to Sunny Corner 1st June 2012

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This topic contains 108 replies, has 0 voices, and was last updated by  Amy Harburg 12 years, 9 months ago.

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    Eags wrote:
    :( Strucky is now driving down with Toes …
    See you at cooranbong at the meet time Ace …

    Don’t get lost beagle. 😆


    Dwayne O

    Piss Off Boonit :laugh: You blokes have more chance of getting lost than me tomorrow :P And, If you see any goats on the roadside we will prabably never see you again :sick:

    Anyway,,, How good is this, ready to go, gear all at PTW`s (poor PEte has to load the ute when it gets home) :whistle:
    Bones called over as well for a beer and we sorted out finer details with Flying Fish on the meeting times etc ;)

    Pete is off the chain with excitement and will be a handful all weekend I reckon 😆

    10 hrs till lift off, let the adventure begin :woohoo: :woohoo: :woohoo:

    See ya`s all at the Sunny One ,,,


    Nick Jackson

    Have a great ride tomorrow :woohoo:

    See ya their



    Amy Harburg

    Hi Guys,

    Well I’m now almost ready, just waiting some clothes to dry in the drier. Then the final bags can go on the little WR and I will be set.
    Got the bike fueled, camping gear packed now just gotta calm down so I can get some sleep.

    Bone and Eagle, thanks for the phone call and the double check that I’m good to go. As per other comments on this thred, I hope you guys know where you are going…i wouldn’t have the foggyist, and I didn’t get my GPS kitted out in time.

    Also big thanks to Alyssa and Stephen for grabbing some stuff for me. Bloody work gets in the way a little too much these days. At least this is a good chance to practice packing up my bike with all my gear.

    The only thing I’m not sure on is which high heals I should bring, my red ones or blue ones:silly:

    See you guys in the morning.


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