easter friday

Home Forums Ride Gatherings NSW Rides easter friday

This topic contains 46 replies, has 0 voices, and was last updated by  Sean Ramsay 12 years, 11 months ago.

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    craig evans

    al sounds good to me just need to know were im going as im stillfinding my way around the area if you guys are keen


    Sean Ramsay

    wolfie, i’m keen if you are Scotto?



    I’m keen on Fri or Sat if you can add another. Where do you want to ride?



    I know way around Comleroy, Wheelbarrow, Wheeny but there’s not much there. Better to go little bit further to Ourimbah for good mix of skill training. There’s a lovely track for training at Wheeny Creek but its only about 2hrs ride. Longer if take your time and play around, do every hill a few times to practice rock hopping. If you want longer open ride and still get some climbing practice, I recommend Ourimbah. All of these are close enough to Wiseman’s and North West Sydney.


    craig evans

    how far is this place from richmond do you reckon boomgate



    30 – 45 mins to Wheeny Creek. Another 10 mins uphill from there to track start.
    1.5 hrs to Ourimbah via Pennant Hills & F3.
    <1hr to Wheelbarrow Ridge Rd.
    >1hr to Clarence/Newnes.


    craig evans

    pick a day and area and let me know so i can work work around every thing


    craig evans

    friday or sat be best sorry



    Friday or Saturday doesn’t bother me. Both are good. Have planned for Friday but if Saturday suits you guys so be it.



    Place doesn’t bother me either. ourimbah is preference but thats the furtherst from Richmond, you guys tell me.


    craig evans

    i can do ourimbah


    Sean Ramsay

    would prefer friday if possible, only concern about Orimbah is the holiday traffic heading north



    OK. Friday it is. Can’t help traffic, can leave extra early.. happy to go to Zig Zag to avoid it but my bike doesn’t run great at higher altitude.


    Sean Ramsay

    Getting bike out of garage this morning, went. To stand bike up but stand wasn’t open correctly – crash!!, gear leaver into case and a nice drip of oil seeping out. Dunno extent of damage but I think Friday is out for me now. PISSED OFF!!!!


    Scott Hanley

    Hi guys

    I’m out for Ourimbah. I am still going to ride from Wisemans on Friday as I have already organized with a couple of other guys and my son. Your more than welcome to join it will be grade 2 may be bit harder at times.
    Let me know and I will work out time and place.

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