easter friday

Home Forums Ride Gatherings NSW Rides easter friday

This topic contains 46 replies, has 0 voices, and was last updated by  Sean Ramsay 12 years, 11 months ago.

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  • #219211

    bender wrote:
    Getting bike out of garage this morning, went. To stand bike up but stand wasn’t open correctly – crash!!, gear leaver into case and a nice drip of oil seeping out. Dunno extent of damage but I think Friday is out for me now. PISSED OFF!!!!

    Sadly mate sounds like a cracked stator cover :( once you get it fixed or replaced get yourself a set of case guards. Steve from Adventure Moto sell them see here Tell them your and Old Bull and get a discount. The case covers are a must for DRZs because of the brake lever and gear sticks relationship to the cases



    Sean Ramsay

    There was one on there would you believe………


    Matt Baker

    That sucks Bender

    My brother was putting air in his tyres at the servo one day and the bike fell over on the stand and put a hole in the engine case.

    You can have some massive crashes out in the scrub and a simple drop at home or just down the road and the bike gets smashed up.



    Never mind boys. Maybe next time. Have a great weekend all of you.


    craig evans

    scotto let me know some details and ill join in if still ok


    Scott Hanley

    No probs Wolfie I will keep you informed


    Sean Ramsay
    bender wrote:
    Getting bike out of garage this morning, went. To stand bike up but stand wasn’t open correctly – crash!!, gear leaver into case and a nice drip of oil seeping out. Dunno extent of damage but I think Friday is out for me now. PISSED OFF!!!!

    local wreckers had a case for good price, should get it tomorrow along with the gasket, so i’ll be pulling the bike apart on friday rather than riding on it :S


    craig evans

    bad luck bender how unlucky was that . glad u got another one ,pitty we couldnt catch up but there always next time. thanx scotto cant wait


    Going out in Menai for a couple of hours on Fri morning if anyone interested. My son (KTM450) has just put his bike back together after a refurb + one of his mates (KLX300) interested as well as me.
    Cheers Budge


    Scott Hanley

    Hey fender

    You have 2 nights to fix that ride Friday with us :) Leaving webbs creek ferry 0800 Friday


    craig evans

    hey bender there you go you just got told and been given a challage hope to see you at 8 now


    Sean Ramsay

    sorry guys, couldn’t fix til today – I hope you had a great and safe ride


    craig evans

    just wondering how you went , sorry i couldnt make it still very sore after knockn myself about after falln out of the tree at work


    Sean Ramsay
    wolfie wrote:
    just wondering how you went , sorry i couldnt make it still very sore after knockn myself about after falln out of the tree at work

    should call yourself “Drop Bear” instead of Wolfie :P

    glad you didn’t bang yourself up too much mate


    craig evans

    very funny bender lol 😆 😆 😆 shouldnt laugh that hurts

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