ELECTRIC bikes you say ??????????

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    Dwayne O

    Well today was a crappy day with the cold winds and all that happening, and I had to work till 9am after an early start,,,
    So then I gets home & the wiey & kids have to go into the Newy Foreshore for a band playout at the Hunter Valley Electric Vehicle Festival. There were a few elec cars running around on a loop that was closed to the public and some other solar stuff on display etc etc
    The more interesting part was the array of two wheeled thingies that were scattered here & there,,,
    Like this little one that might be handy in the Hills of Gold

    Here you can see a couple going round, and for a minute I thought it was Boony being chased round by Bob :P

    Followed by the Catavolt Track Bike, that reportedly sets a cracking pace on the track

    How about an Electric 250, Yes Electric conversion :huh:

    Nothing needed to go in here ;)

    Of course I found one of those Zero things (no test rides available though)

    Those that have been to Nabiac Museum will recognise Krusty`s other weekend ride :woohoo:

    These things were amazing, home made electric mountain bikes, the black one named Stealth Bomber capable of 80k/hr

    And it`s slower brother

    That`s it, I couldn`t wait to get back home & out of the chilling winds :whistle:



    Nick Jackson

    Interesting day out mate , I get the electric thing but can’t see it catching on until we’ve sucked all the oil out of the ground and implode !!

    Did you see the ZERO at work ??



    Dwayne O

    No mate,, no go they were, just sitting there :blink: Go Figure ????

    I was more interested in the Stealth Bomber actually, that looked like more fun at only 35kg ;)
    Actually I thought there should have been a KTM FREERIDE there (if there was any in the country yet) :pinch:
    Now, That would have been INTERESTING :) :) :)

    There was a Delorian with rigdy didge stainless body & all, just like the car in “Back to the Future” movies. And a couple of cool looking speedster convertables and an assortment of electric buggies, skateboards & regular pushbikes etc

    The weather really kept the crowds away, damn it was cold…

    Sort of wondered what it would be like today & tonite in the Watagans at the Trailbike Rally :S Suckers :laugh:



    Thanks Eags, you braved the cold so we could read your report from the warmth of our home. ;)

    That stealth bike does look pretty mean, and home made ? Not a bad effort B)

    They have a electric catorgy in the isle of man and the bastards get up to 160mph :woohoo:

    I’m just not sure if I could get used to an electric bike, all you can hear is chain slap :huh:

    Its what we will all be riding in the future I suppose.




    I’d have one in my shed for sure. The only problem as always are the fun police (RTA and Poolice).
    Even if you bolted some pedals to them it would still be deemed too powerful for the road. Perhaps the changes to the legislation they are/were going through might make it easier. Wonder if anyone here knows?

    Hey Pete perhaps a shaft/direct/hub drive would be more appealing?


    I am looking forward to electric bikes. When they get to the stage where I can get 4+ hours ride time I’m on board. The KTM freeride is setting the standard at the moment.

    As for legalities as it stands at the moments if the motor makes over 200 watts it need registration. To put this in perspective a Ryobi 32cc wiper sniper makes around 1000 watts.


    Dwayne O

    Turns out I was confused with the Electric mountain bikes,,,
    They are actually STEALTH brand from the US and imported by the guy in Canberra “Quiet Rush”
    the black one is 50kg and the slower yellow one 35kg,,,

    There were others around I saw that were home converted

    Still a fun ride I reckon , but at between $7500 & $10000 I think I`ll give it a miss :laugh:
    Untill they are the only option we have :whistle:



    jeez it would make the stop at the berry patch a long event, waitng to recharge !!!!!


    Boony you might be surprised how long some of these bikes will run for. If you look at your average ride days you might be shocked at how short your actual ride time is. I’m not talking about how long you where out for but how long you actual rode in between stopping to talk shit, helping others through technical stuff, having lunch and waiting for KTM riders to catch up.

    It won’t be long before these will easily do a days riding on one charge.



    just strap a petrol generater to your back hay. reckon they would be like cordless drills always flat and replacement batterys worth more than the drill-bike



    Thats spot on Scotty. Little wipper snipper engine with generator in your backpack for “just in case” :D

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