Enclosed Trailers

This topic contains 13 replies, has 0 voices, and was last updated by  dennis da menace 12 years, 9 months ago.

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    Matt Baker

    I keep looking at enclosed trailers for sale (can’t really afford one and don’t know if I really want one, but I’m looking). Why do all these trend setters have 17 – 18 inch rims with low profile tyres, I can’t have bigger wheels on my trailer than my car. :blink:

    I guess there isn’t any dirt roads on the way to freestyle comps or motocross tracks, so no risk of punctures or blow outs.

    I have light truck tyres on my bike trailer and it sees plenty of dirt road (at high speed because it is being towed by the mighty AU Falcon wagon :) ) with no dramas.


    Adam Rodgers

    Can’t fault your logic on light truck tyres ;)

    Trailer tyres cop hell.

    One draw back of an enclosed trailer is wind resistance, you’ll suck down extra juice.

    However it can give you somewhere to throw your swag off the ground and under cover.

    Your bike will get dirty on the ride, and you carry all your spares in your bum bag so the security factor doesn’t really matter.



    Steve Wyeth

    I got over towing the 8 x 5 box trailer I had everywhere. Too heavy to drag around for the usual sort of trailer rides, god knows what an enclosed trailer would be like.

    Great for looking like a rockstar at the OBT birthday rides though :P


    Matt Baker

    Might just pimp out my little bike trailer with some rims like this :woohoo: :woohoo:



    Matt Baker

    Only problem then is I would need Whipps to make me an extra long ramp to get up on it.


    Scott Hanley

    I got a enclosed trailer 2 months ago best thing, I have 3 bikes mine 2 for the kids keep all the gear in there so we don’t forget anything also a good workshop out in the field. Only got a single axle with electric brakes easy to manouver and reasonably lite doesn’t seem to hold the 454 back :)



    Craig Finlay

    Ive got a five bike trailer. 2500 wide by 3000 long. Tows great behind the prado. dont even know its there when fully loaded with five onboard. Going to enclose it fully tho. I have 3 boys and fed up arriving at the meet and forgoten gloves, boots, googles etc. Alway something left behind. This way everything stay in the trailer. Yeah might choo up fuel and more wind resistance, but would use just as much going back to get the gear left behind.


    Adrian Lee

    I just now bought an enclosed trailer,pick it up tomorrow morning.

    You can all have a look next weekend ;)


    Matt Baker

    As per usual Aido “all the gear and no idea” 😆

    If it goes missing at Sunny Corner and you find a little blue bike trailer connected to your car don’t be alarmed your (my) new trailer will be in safe hands and the trailer on your car is a little beauty. :whistle:


    Adrian Lee
    LC4skin wrote:
    As per usual Aido “all the gear and no idea” 😆

    If it goes missing at Sunny Corner and you find a little blue bike trailer connected to your car don’t be alarmed your (my) new trailer will be in safe hands and the trailer on your car is a little beauty. :whistle:

    I might ride like a gumby but i sure look good while doing it :laugh: :laugh:


    Matt Baker

    Thats funny thats what Menace said about himself to me just the other day, must be a Victorian thing.


    Adrian Lee
    LC4skin wrote:
    Thats funny thats what Menace said about himself to me just the other day, must be a Victorian thing.

    I dont believe menace has ever looked good :laugh:


    Matt Baker

    I think he was referring to his bike, apparently he has added some more bling.


    correct :laugh: :laugh: :laugh: :laugh: :laugh:

    arseholes!!!! :P

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