EOI Sunday ride report

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This topic contains 9 replies, has 0 voices, and was last updated by  Adrian Snowden 10 years, 6 months ago.

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    Dudes view B)

    4 of us Pikey, Underhonda, Polly and me.

    Lovely day for a ride,so we headed off and managed to link together 2 1/2 hours of singles and found some new ones :)

    Did westside in our stride,

    Headed to the gap and I was really picking all the wrong lines and getting into strife at times, was really fatiuged by the gap and there was talk of following Pikey ( who had prio arrangements ) back to the cars but Polly said “Lovely day for a rid eso went on for another hour and a half. :blink: :huh:

    so 5 hours of riding and am feeling it now. :laugh: :laugh: :laugh:

    Awesome :cheer:

    Thanks to the crew who turned up and made an enjoyable day of it. :P

    P.S. Thanks Adam for the invite to ride with u guys. ;)


    Looks like a great day was had by all
    Wish I was there
    Glad you posted the ride report, Dude
    Now I can go to bed


    Adam Rodgers


    Looks like you boys had fun ;)

    Pikey’s on a 250, he just makes it look like a 450 B)



    hi guy’s
    Thanks dude, good tracks good company and good weather .
    Cheers Michael





    Damien Smith

    I rode razorback/great north walk yesterday and there’s a nice big tree down once you get up razorback the main line so have to use the track to the left to avoid it



    Thanks gents
    Had a top ride,was good to catch up again.


    “I rode razorback/great north walk yesterday and there’s a nice big tree down once you get up razorback the main line so have to use the track to the left to avoid it”
    Thanks for the info, Damo.
    Do you mean the tree is down at the first big step up???
    Well done getting up that SOAB hill. :woohoo:
    Sounds like you’d be keen for another one of our rides
    Well actually, Tims rides, as I just tag along, trying to hang on now days :pinch:
    Dude and I are trying to organise an October weekend around our local area so keep an eye out for it.


    Damien Smith

    Yeah pretty much get up there and it’s right there and have come back down as it’s completely blocked that way up but there’s that chicken track to the left, it will need a chain saw as its like 5-10m long and about 3ft high and of the ground a foot or so



    Thanks Dude for organising the ride..

    Was most enjoyable,,, yeah even the wall of death..
    your vid of the drop ooff it makes it look like a Sunday Picnic :( :( :( :(

    Polly :) :) :)


    Good to see you not sitting down on the bike all the time Poll, but we meant standing up on it not lying down beside it.

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