
This topic contains 19 replies, has 0 voices, and was last updated by  alan 15 years, 7 months ago.

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  • #147470

    bob kidd

    Your an ideas man XY;)



    novice wrote:

    Your an ideas man XY;)

    yeah but just takes a bit to sort the 1/2 baked ones from the good ones 😆 😆 :cheer: :cheer: :silly: :laugh: :laugh:




    white rocket wrote:

    they come with some special ice packs to wonder how they go

    Throw them out straight away. Theyre a waste of time. Like the others have said, solid ice is the go.



    +1 for the techni ice here as well!

    and the block ice.

    I haven’t found any around here but in Broken Hill you can go to the ‘ice factory’ if that’s what it’s called and buy ice in nice big blocks which last almost forever!

    Instead I too freeze containers, the bigger the better, but I freeze it for weeks (some people say it lasts longer and what would I know?)

    The techniice sheets are good for those lttle cooler bags the missus should take to get he shopping but not much else really.

    Someone once told me salt water is better frozen but I couldn’t tell the difference in performance. It doesn’t taste real good when thawed either!



    just ordered a 40litre one would have liked bigger but they won t fit in mums taxi will see how it goes.120$ delivered its cheap enough

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