EVS Wrister II Gloves

Home Forums Product Reviews Product Reviews EVS Wrister II Gloves

This topic contains 0 replies, has 0 voices, and was last updated by  Leo.C 10 years, 4 months ago.

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    Apart from the name which sounds a bit suss, these gloves have been pretty good.

    In may of this year RideAdv.com.au (Your ride your adventure) went down old mexico way as did I. Long story short I decided to break one of my arm bones, the radius, right down near the wrist, don’t worry it was only my left one. I also bent the motorcycle.

    After 2 months in a fiberglass cast and with a motorcycle that would remain bended for a while longer I turned my short attention to a shiny new dual suspension pushbike.

    I bought the gloves a few weeks before getting the cast off thinking I’d need em and I did. The day after getting my arm back I went for a ride on the pushy first 50m with out the gloves, the next 10km with the gloves. I wasn’t going fully sick but I was trying to keep up with everyone else (trying). Upon pulling up at the end I was sold. I had no more pain than before I started the ride. And
    6 months on I’ve not yet broken my arm again.

    The gloves are similar to the Fox Bomber glove in materials and sizing, the palm has that suede-y type stuff (3% leather) the glove back is all synthetic with bits of elastic so they remain comfortable with your hand flexing. There is double layering in areas that need it and stretchy shit on the sides of each finger to allow for expansion. They don’t give a very bulky feel like cold weather gloves but they’re also not as thin as a motorcross type glove. Robust is probably the word I’d use. That said I would think they’d be warm, not hot, in summer and cool but not cold in winter. If you get the sizing right they don’t tend to bunch up in your palm, I have Med. size and they are a very snug fit. If you’ve ever worn Fox Bombers… same thing. If you haven’t just imagine it.



    The bit that is different with these gloves is the high wrist, the plastic spine and the wrist strap. The plastic spine and strap is removable or position-able so you can screw around with that for faster lap times or just take it off. The Idea with the glove is to provide support to your wrist, they’re not designed to be a brace or be a cure if you are naturally limp-wristed. The plastic spine is designed to allow your wrist and hand to move front to back eg throttle twist, but not sideways eg telling your ride partner he’s being a wanker.

    – build quality, after 700 odd km on the pushy from single track to city they’re still fine.
    – doing what they claim, these are a support only, not a brace system. I doubt they’d help much if you had a spill and landed on your hands. What they will do, in my experience, is provide good support.
    – physical size, they’re not very bulk for what they do, I’ve used another EVS wrist stabiliser. With a glove on it was bulky, at the end of a ride my thumb was blue, it was generally shit

    – being black only no one will be able to tell that you are factory spec. They do come in “whore red” but not in Australia it seems.
    – a little on the expensive side $70-ish, but i keep my gloves for a long time and will even turn them round backwards if they wear-out, so its not too bad.
    – can be a pain if wearing a jacket + armour getting them on and off.


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