farmers shed

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This topic contains 189 replies, has 0 voices, and was last updated by  mike 10 years, 5 months ago.

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  • #160075

    Mick D

    Right,I am gunna get my camera and take a few photos at Moose’s sheds.There are some classics kicking around there. :laugh:


    Bruce Curtis

    Bols the first pic in the scrap heap, I believe is an old Elsinore MT, maybe 125/175.

    the gun jappa enduro mount of it’s day… possibly never rode one myself and you know how these old blokes exaggerate stuff, probably evil handling and unreliable POS’s truth be known.. ;)




    Champo has an Elsinore and never finished a race on it until recently because the exhaust kept breaking or falling off, I can’t remember which. It does look nice though. I would certainly like one in the garage.


    simon burke

    Mr Blue wrote:

    Bols the first pic in the scrap heap, I believe is an old Elsinore MT, maybe 125/175.

    the gun jappa enduro mount of it’s day… possibly never rode one myself and you know how these old blokes exaggerate stuff, probably evil handling and unreliable POS’s truth be known.. ;)


    gotta laugh…the old farmer who owns this place is looking after that one for his uncle…he did say it was special.I love the way he cares for it by throwing it under a tarp out in the open,then chucks a few rolls of barbed wire and shit on it for good measure…what a great family relationship :P


    simon burke

    another dirty farmers shed visited today. :)
    Nothin too exiting today…just an old agi bike…it did tickle my fancy tho with the steel pipe up the side….that is where he puts his Hoe when he goes out to chip burrs and weeds….funny…i allways thought she would sit on the back :woohoo: :woohoo: :woohoo: :woohoo:


    simon burke



    Mick D

    What are you doing Bollocks, maybe your images are too freaking big mate.

    Glad you posted anyhow,it reminded me that I should go out and have a beer with my old mate Moose this arvo.


    simon burke

    great… 500th post was a disaster :(

    last try

    Bol :woohoo: mixed.jpg


    BOLLOCKS wrote:

    great… 500th post was a disaster :(

    last try

    Bol :woohoo: mixed.jpg

    they call him BOLlywood,
    hooray for BOLliwood
    all these farmers sheds,
    have gone to his heads,
    hooray for BOLliwood,
    thats BOLliwood

    :laugh: :laugh: :laugh: :laugh:


    simon burke

    :blink: menace menace menace

    you should go in Australian idol


    Dwayne O

    micknmeld wrote:

    What are you doing Bollocks, maybe your images are too freaking big mate.

    Glad you posted anyhow,it reminded me that I should go out and have a beer with my old mate Moose this arvo.

    Then make sure ya say G`Day from Me to good Old Moose too then ;)

    Nice work Boll, you know how to find em,,,



    I like the hoe on the back reference Gold

    Reminds me of when my old supervisor retired at work and was planning his driving trip around Australia, I asked him what root he was going to take he said “His missus as she had been good to him all through the years :laugh: “




    BOLLOCKS wrote:

    :blink: menace menace menace

    you should go in Australian idol

    sorry to correct you Bolls but you have made a spelling error

    it should read

    you should go in Australian Idiot :)



    I reckon an OBT coffee table book of all your farm finds are in order Bol. Keep up the good work mate.


    simon burke

    Another dust and birdshit covered choice find!!!!
    A rool purdy little yellow Yammaha 100…..its an autolube model!!!!!!!!!that sounds a bit sexy :kiss:
    Anyone an “autolube” buff out there to shed some light on this neglected little tiger?

    I could hear it whispering my name and i came around the corner and there it was :cheer:

    shes gotta rool purdy head on her :P

    Till next time!!!!!!!!
    Bol :woohoo:

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