farmers shed

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This topic contains 189 replies, has 0 voices, and was last updated by  mike 10 years, 5 months ago.

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  • #171810

    Mick D

    I am pretty sure it would have been bought new at whoever was the NRMA depot at Gunnedah in the 70’s. That is where my uncle worked.


    simon burke

    Couple of hours ago i was out in a blokes paddock,i was waiting for him to turn up so i had a little sticky beak in an old stable that was there in the long grass.Grass was waist height and i was on the look out for snakes :unsure: when a bloody roo jumped outa the stable as i got to the door,Scared the Bjesus outa me :ohmy: ,he must have been in there having a camp,it mighta thought i was Boony :P
    Anyways…i mustn go on…..found this old Honda in the shed having a snooze..been there a while and had his guts ripped out.Poor fella :(



    Bol :woohoo:


    Mick D

    My Guess is a CX500 Shadow about and 1978-9 model.



    If someone had been riding that on the weekend TB could have got a lift as it has a SISSY bar. :laugh: :laugh: :laugh:


    simon burke

    micknmeld wrote:

    My Guess is a CX500 Shadow about and 1978-9 model.

    collectors item mick?…or rubbish?


    Mick D

    BOLLOCKS wrote:

    micknmeld wrote:

    My Guess is a CX500 Shadow about and 1978-9 model.

    collectors item mick?…or rubbish?

    The CX 500 Turbo is a collectors item but that is just a shitter. ;) They were a water cooled V twin. With a cylinder out each side at the same angle as a Moto Guzzi.



    simon burke

    oh well….one day i will find Gold instead of poo :(



    Uncle Fester wrote:

    If someone had been riding that on the weekend TB could have got a lift as it has a SISSY bar. :laugh: :laugh: :laugh:

    well it IS a honda Fez, made for sissys :laugh: :laugh: :laugh:


    Matt Baker

    You could wear that brake light lens for a helmet, its stuffing huge


    Hey Menace Ive got a VTR so does that make me a sissy too ???


    simon burke

    Waaaaay up in them there hills this morning i came a cross a few old warriors neglected in a shed.Once again eyebrows were raised when i asked the old question”got any old bike laying around?” Farmer Bob (as we shall call him) was only too happy to show me a few collecting dust :)

    ALL HONDAS TB :woohoo: :woohoo: :woohoo:

    Enjoy B)

    Honda CR 250 Elsinore Racebike

    Honda CR 250 registerable

    Honda SL 125 (or whats left of it)

    Crazy old FIAT parked out near the shed….BWAAAHAHAHA…look at the doors…they are the wrong way around…Fools :silly:

    Till next time.
    Bol :woohoo:


    Mick D

    Keep up the good work Bollocks, I love your installments in this thread. Although it is sad to see the likes of the CR rusting away in a shed. I have often wondered where all the old bikes go to die and it appears that The New England area is the place!!

    Someone would probably kill to get hold of that old Grey Elsinore.


    Gotchya wrote:

    Hey Menace Ive got a VTR so does that make me a sissy too ???

    does it have a sissy bar gotchya :laugh: :laugh:



    Those Elsinores fully restored sell for big $$$$ that one would make a good parts bike, a mate of mine has one that he races, I dont spose the bloke wanted to sell the one he had there by any chance??

    Cheers Mick.


    simon burke

    i’ll look into it mick ;)

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