farmers shed

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This topic contains 189 replies, has 0 voices, and was last updated by  mike 10 years, 5 months ago.

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    Thanks for that Bollocks, they have a weak gear box me mate tells me and they tend to do the odd cog or two in, so he is always looking for spare gear box parts.

    Cheers Mick.



    I would just about kill for an old grey XR75 if anyone sees a reasonable one.


    Mick D

    WikdBeemer wrote:

    I would just about kill for an old grey XR75 if anyone sees a reasonable one.

    I know where there is a mint one. They wont part with it though, other wise it would already be in MY shed :laugh: Always wanted one with a Pasani power pipe when I was a kid but the Old Man hated bikes.



    I had one Mick, pisses me orf that we got rid of it for about $200. It was a good bike.
    In the same condition we sold it for it would now be worth $4K+ :angry:


    Mick D

    WikdBeemer wrote:

    I had one Mick, pisses me orf that we got rid of it for about $200. It was a good bike.
    In the same condition we sold it for it would now be worth $4K+ :angry:

    Not many dirt bikes gain in value….gotta love the XR’s. :laugh:


    simon burke

    Mr Blue told me to get off my arse and go and find something for the farmers shed.Couldn’t find any bikes today. :( .next time.So i took a few snaps of some old stuff anyway :cheer:

    Bet this bloke wish he had an electric leg(or arm).Imagine winding up that bastard on a hot summers day!!!

    Old morris M 8 …in perfect going condition :P

    Holden Torana…sexy beast ;)

    Sorry its a bit lame….but soon i will find more 2 wheeled beasts waiting to be found :cheer:
    Bol :woohoo:


    simon burke

    The Tamworth Old bulls drive past this blokes place every time we head up to Nundle State forest for a ride.He is a horse breaker and is allways on the side of the ride playing with his horses.I have know him for years and we allways wave to him when we drive past.He never knows its me and i often think that he was of the opinion that he didn’t like motorbikes.How wrong i was,farmers sheds…THE TRUTH IS OUT THERE :P




    Bol :woohoo:


    simon burke

    Found another one today. :cheer:
    Cool little bike.Didn’t have time to have a good look and Mrs farmer had no bloody idea about it.Just said her hubby hoons around the farm on it. :P
    I’m sure all you legend bike boffins would know all about it.

    Bol :woohoo: Baljay_park_015_Medium.jpg


    Mick D

    I would suggest that it is a TY175 as a guess.



    Certainly looks like one.
    The rear guard is not standard and the seat has been recovered but the paint work on the tank is standard for that model :)
    They were a good bike, lite and easy to ride.
    Would make a good farm bike so i can understand why it’s still in use.
    We used a couple of ty250s and RL250s on our farm to chase cattle. :side:



    Mick D

    I am also guessing that the whipper snipper/brush cutter is a Sthil. ;)



    It could be a stihl but it looks like an aftermarket handle on it 😆


    Mick D

    rebore450 wrote:

    It could be a stihl but it looks like an aftermarket handle on it 😆

    Nah it is a stihl alright same as the one I have.



    I bow to a greater knowledge of whipper snippers / brushcutters ;)
    Personally the whole “working in the garden thing” reeks of effort and interfers with riding time :)


    Mick D

    rebore450 wrote:

    I bow to a greater knowledge of whipper snippers / brushcutters ;)
    Personally the whole “working in the garden thing” reeks of effort and interfers with riding time :)

    I am with you rebore.

    Normally if I can smell 2 stroke fumes I am having a good time. Not so with the whipper snipper :S

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