favorite music when you were a teen

This topic contains 69 replies, has 0 voices, and was last updated by  Matt Baker 11 years, 8 months ago.

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  • #244175

    Same crazy bands that I am listening to now. Right now. :woohoo: :woohoo: :whistle:
    Sure I have added many new bands to the “i fashonable” , “i pod”. :laugh: :laugh:
    Still waiting on an injection of music. :ohmy: :sick: :silly: :woohoo: :woohoo: :pinch:
    We see so many movies of bar coding people. Why not put/inject sounds/music into our souls.
    Maybe still thinking too advanced. :whistle: :woohoo: :woohoo: ;) B) B) B)


    Mark Bunting
    Nickj wrote:
    I was right into Kiss at about 13 , then once I discovered the pleasures of beer and herbal cigarettes it was Pink Floyd all the way , I got a ticket to a charity gig they headlined at Knebworth in 1989 for 10 pounds at a pub the night before and stood through – Tears for Fears – cliff Richard – Status Quo – dire Straits – Eric Clapton – Elton John and Paul McCartney before Floyd graced the stage and I smoked a sad excuse of a joint with some fellow hippies and watched the best show I had ever and probably will ever see :)
    Listening to Shine on you crazy diamond from the Wish You Were Here album still takes me back to that night ( minus the enhancing substances of course !!)


    Jeepers that was a blast from the past. I was right there with until the last line.

    David Gilmore’s guitar still gives me goose bumps.

    Kram B)


    dis may sound weird
    But Davey Gilmour on guitar sounds beautiful. B) B)
    Roger Waters bass and songwriting/singing. :woohoo: :woohoo: :woohoo:
    Don’t dare forget the others, even poor old Syd. (spelling?)
    Have all of Floyd
    Have most of Rogers
    Have some of Gilmours
    Might even say that I am a Pink Floyd fan. NAH :blink: :blink: :blink: :woohoo: :woohoo:


    LC4skin wrote:
    One of my favorites when I was younger and still is today.


    Pantera- nice! Shame there not around anymore eh………

    For me it would be something off Cowboys from hell, love that album 👿 👿


    Matt Baker

    Aimed at you we’re the cowboys from hell!!!!!!!


    craig evans

    transvision vamp , ccr , eagles , acdc , alan Jackson to name a few


    Matt Baker
    Burnsy wrote:
    Pantera- nice! Shame there not around anymore eh………

    For me it would be something off Cowboys from hell, love that album 👿 👿

    Ev told me that you were a metal head, this isn’t exactly metal but see what you reckon.



    LC4skin wrote:
    Burnsy wrote:
    Pantera- nice! Shame there not around anymore eh………

    For me it would be something off Cowboys from hell, love that album 👿 👿

    Ev told me that you were a metal head, this isn’t exactly metal but see what you reckon.



    That’s some killer Hardcore right there 👿 Will have to check them out some more, Cheers!


    woow, yEEEHA
    I love ya’s all
    Funny thing!!!
    I lost my job two weeks before Xmas
    Rodreguez. :woohoo: :woohoo: :woohoo:

    Only the cool peeps would undrstand
    Old man Murph

    LC4skin wrote:
    One of my favorites when I was younger and still is today.


    IM with LC and burnsy…..My up bringing was a little dark…. 👿 👿

    body count.
    Rage against the machine.
    coal chamber.


    LC4skin wrote:
    One of my favorites when I was younger and still is today.

    I remember that song. I had a fondness for “Mouth for War” a geez was that album “neighbor un-friendly” with it’s drum track. Pretty cool.


    Shit never say die???????????????????
    Rage Against the Machine!!!!!!!!!!!
    Got it all in the bag!@#$%^&
    Still playing Rodreigus???????
    Will I ever be straight, I doubt it???!!!!!!!!!
    Actually did go and see th Rage Against
    Somewhere in Newy, maybe it was the Workies???????
    Many years ago???!!

    Back to the shite?????????
    Better than Bob Dylan

    The mob is getting bigger
    Like pollution in the river

    I don’t care
    It kind of ryhimed

    I’ll sip away
    Sorry, SLIP



    Is all good again!!!!!!!!!
    Madness she said high?
    I shot it!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
    sEEMS A s though I a’m racing a cerfue
    Drinking from a Judas cup
    I love it??????????
    Keep up Dudey People. :woohoo: :pinch: :whistle: :whistle: :whistle:



    Friday night and Murphs on the Turkey again haha ;) 😆 :pinch:


    Great new world??????????????????????????
    Rock it,
    Rockin roll. B) B) B) B) B) B) B) B) B) B) B) B) B) B) B) B) B) B) B) B) B) B) B) B) B) B) B) B) B) B) B) B) B) B) B) B) B) B) B) B) B) B) B) B) 😆 😆 😆 ;) :whistle: :pinch:

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