favorite music when you were a teen

This topic contains 69 replies, has 0 voices, and was last updated by  Matt Baker 11 years, 8 months ago.

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    When I was impressionable I bought a lot of Spy v Spy albums ON VINYL! Also had a Nevver mind the bollocks tape.

    I now have one of those ipod thingoes and spend my time on the line finding the music from my yooff. I have something like 15 thousand odd files…apparently my yooff was extended somewhat.


    Ah where do you start. Old Bulls Rockwiz lol.
    All of the above are big on my list. George Thorogood featured highly in high school. Love Aussie stuff from the 80’s. Hoodo’s, Angels, Divinyls. Early AC/DC, high voltage is one of my favourites of all time. Midnight Oil 10-1 was unreal. These days I could listen to string bends and hammer ons and Flea’s bass from the Red Hot Chilly Peppers all day.
    Neil Diamond got a work out coming home from Finke as well. The list has no boundaries lol.
    I went to school with the boys from Human Nature. No Human Nature in my play list though lol.



    Funny thread, all the flashbacks,looking back i had the whole AC/DC collection until who made who came out,
    Led Zepplin
    Deep Purple (highway star for driving my v8 falcon at the time)
    ZZ top

    All on tapes so i could take them in my car,and carried in the red velvet lined vinyl tape box under the seat.

    Never bought any Spy vs Spy as in Shanes post but went to watch them every other saturday night at the local RSL club good band back in the day.

    Rage against the machine is cool Murph love there stuff………………..


    LC4skin wrote:
    One of my favorites when I was younger and still is today.


    I can’t head bang as i no longer have any hair……………….. 👿


    Matt Baker
    twobanger wrote:
    I can’t head bang as i no longer have any hair……………….. 👿

    This guy has been doing it bald for 30 years, try growing a beard to flail around :laugh: :laugh: :laugh:


    Matt Baker

    The first album I bought was either Motley Crue – Dr Feelgood, Poison – Open Up and Say Ahh or Guns n Roses – Appetite For Destruction

    What a bunch of hair band posers :laugh:

    I had a Dr Feelgood t-shirt and thought I was cool as shit, I was only 9 or 10 though. :)

    Saw Motley a couple of years ago and the show was awesome but musically they were rubbish especial the vocals, too many drugs B)



    Showing old age here,,,but Led Zep,Black Sabith,Deep Purple,Were definatly B) B) B) Not to forget Frank Zappa,Supper B)


    Alan Heather
    teza h wrote:
    Showing old age here,,,but Led Zep,Black Sabith,Deep Purple,Were definatly B) B) B) Not to forget Frank Zappa,Supper B)

    I though you were close to my age teza that’s what I grew up on ;)



    old farts


    LC4skin wrote:
    twobanger wrote:
    I can’t head bang as i no longer have any hair……………….. 👿

    This guy has been doing it bald for 30 years, try growing a beard to flail around :laugh: :laugh: :laugh:


    :laugh: I might bring some chains home from work tonight aswell :laugh:


    Mick D

    We listened to this as teens and still listen to it now up here in War hope. Y’all enjoy it now. ;)


    Matt Baker

    Squeal Piggy :sick:

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