Feedback anyone

This topic contains 117 replies, has 0 voices, and was last updated by  Adrian Lee 14 years, 1 month ago.

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  • #195976

    it cant be just me thats finding it slow going??

    its jumpy and slow to load on my PC.
    if i open multiple tabs, to look at multiple pages its is crap. it takes about 2 seconds for the letters to appear when i type:S

    sort your shit out Scooter;)



    We all know your slow,, but its not just you,I am not enjoying this one little bit, it jumps all overt the place and is slower than a wet week????
    It used to be fun and easy to use, but this is not fun :angry: :( but I`m willing to wait and see:(




    Make sure you guys have got the latest browser version knowing you two your probably on version When jesus was a boy.. You can download latest ie here.



    tested in firefox too



    you may also benefit by doing a bit of housecleaning, delete all temp files, this will purge all old files out, you can run this program to help you do it.


    chris72a wrote:
    you may also benefit by doing a bit of housecleaning, delete all temp files, this will purge all old files out, you can run this program to help you do it.


    yes, im up to date with IE Christoss, and yes, i ran CCleaner yesterday and swept my PCD with Avast antivirus and checked the oil and tyres…..and wiped the dead bugs off the windsheild :laugh: :laugh:

    and its still slow…..

    in fact, i’d go as far as saying its running slower than you ride Scooter :laugh: :laugh: :laugh:

    ( cant even use a bloody emo-con without leaving a space:pinch: ….see!!! )

    there is also no ‘prieview button’ when replying or creating threads to see if pics and shit worked out :whistle:

    and when you hit the ‘more’ button at the bottom of the “latest posts” bar, it shows latest posts…
    not latest ‘threads’ as it used too….

    back in the day ;)

    i admit, me and the Boonyip are a little retasrded……

    but its painful to navigate now.



    It’s working good on my 3 year laptop using Firefox.

    I’m just wraped the animated avatars work.



    OK I’ve restored to the POVO default template that comes with the software how is it now, Menace any better.

    chris72a wrote:
    you may also benefit by doing a bit of housecleaning, delete all temp files, this will purge all old files out, you can run this program to help you do it.


    You could do all the things you have listed above and get better performance but will most OBT’s or future members do that? I doubt it. I understand that you have done a lot of work Chris and that there are security issues that needed addressing but if members and future members need the latest versions of browser and a defragged sytem to run it we are missing our target audience. Most members barely have enough spare time to clean an air filter the night before a ride let alone housekeep their PC.




    Its all good Scott, I am about to put the computor in the dishwasher,,i will see if its any faster when its been cleaned?????.




    O.K STM it’s over to you.

    I’ll send you the database and you can start from scratch..


    delete some of the porn, Boony


    Im working on a brand new Toshiba laptop with windows 7 and its quick and working well. But on my IPhone its very hard to read the red print in the latest posts.

    chris72a wrote:
    O.K STM it’s over to you.

    I’ll send you the database and you can start from scratch..

    dont get your knickers in a knot Chris :kiss:

    i do agree with STM, if its slow, its not worth it for poor dirtbikers with slow internet.

    it is better with the POVO pack but still too slow and jumpy.

    there wasnt a problem before mate and all the other bike forums i frequent are running fine, in fact maybe a little faster since i blew the cobwebs out of the PC yesterday.

    its gotta be something with OBT mate.

    i know you are working on it and are doing your very best for little or nothing mate.

    and Kudo’s to you :)

    please understand we are trying to help Grasshopper ;)


    Bob Dowsett

    Thats animal cruelty Mal just give the poor thing a beer

    if its any concilation it seems better 2day than yesterday or maybe i’m getting used to it already

    and menace it probably would be better for all of us if u went to those other forums …………………………..and stayed there?:woohoo:

Viewing 15 posts - 61 through 75 (of 118 total)

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