Feedback anyone

This topic contains 117 replies, has 0 voices, and was last updated by  Adrian Lee 14 years, 1 month ago.

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  • #196003

    the avatars dont even move for me…..

    not even STMs Hippo :(

    maybe im too far south :woohoo: :woohoo:



    I have now tested it on 4 different computers (2 laptops to PCs, windows 6 and 7) and they now all work fine. It’s now works fine on my iPad and the kids IPod touches the issues I had have been fixed and thanks for that Chris.

    I don’t know why Menaces is slower as I haven’t cleaned any of them but it reminded me I should clean some of ours here at home.

    I reckon Chris will fix it after all he has built it and kept it running fine and FREE for all this time

    Stay tuned because we lived through all this at the start which I am sure those like Mick will remember




    Everything seems to be working really well when viewing on Safari, including the Avatars moving. :)

    chris72a wrote:
    O.K STM it’s over to you.

    I’ll send you the database and you can start from scratch..

    Simply my feedback but I am not an expert in IT so I am sure the changes will be for the better once the bugs are ironed out.



    snowy09 wrote:
    delete some of the porn, Boony




    Oh yeah and Duffman is back to his pelvis thrusting best oh yeah!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


    Mick Pilgrim

    Hi Chris,
    I am having troubles when trying to view the ride reports, specificly the Nabiac RR.

    I open the post, when I am scrolling down it appears to have the report on top of the report as if 2 layers. I cant get to the bottom of the report to get to the next page, then when I try to scroll back to the top it wont get up to the index tabs at the top of the page.
    The only way I can get out of it is to select a short cut on the latest posts section or go back to the home page and start again.
    I was having the same trouble last night and gave up, the same is happening tonight.
    I’ll try some other RR’s and see if it happens with them.
    Hope you can sort it OK



    Mick Pilgrim

    the problem appears to be on longer posts with alarge page or multiple pages. I logged off then back in again and found I still could not scroll to the bottom of large/multiple pages but now can scroll back up to the top of the page OK. I tried the refresh tab and found that when the page came back up I could view the whole page as per normal with no trouble ????????????



    Dwayne O

    I have noticed that you can`t save images from ride reports to your pc, I sometimes like to keep folders of images of rides I have been on for future reference etc,,,,
    Is this possible with the new format of the site, or a site security thing???

    BTW, The changes are growing on me the more I get on and look around, so I guess they can stay :whistle: :laugh:



    EAGLE`02 wrote:
    BTW, The changes are growing on me the more I get on and look around, so I guess they can stay :whistle: :laugh:


    I can answer that Beags, yes they are and once sorted (which isnt an overnight job) it will be better than ever

    It has grown on me as well and am enjoying it. I have a couple of things that I will discuss with Chris in a day or two



    Craig Hatton

    Post time is wrong.

    Like the new look, good job Chris




    After a couple days looking around I have noticed the following:

    Can no longer right click on a photo and save it.

    Photos linked to photobucket that have spaces in the album name(url with %20 in them) don’t appear in the new photo popup..

    Email notification for PM’s don’t seem to be working

    Screen popup notifications for PM’s don’t seem to be working




    All good for me execpt the smileys icons are sometimes there to use and sometimes they aint. That happened with the old set up too sometimes.

    They are not there know.



    I just tried to link my profile information to my facebook page and it didn’t work. Have you tried it. I don’t know if its me or not……. could be me…… being blonde and all.


    KatGirl wrote:

    I just tried to link my profile information to my facebook page and it didn’t work. Have you tried it. I don’t know if its me or not……. could be me…… being blonde and all.

    Why do you want to do that, what was the link you put in the box!

Viewing 15 posts - 76 through 90 (of 118 total)

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