Fitness for Dummies.

This topic contains 46 replies, has 0 voices, and was last updated by  Adrian Lee 14 years, 11 months ago.

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  • #174455

    Mark Murphy

    Good luck with it all mate. If you get through and they send you to the base on my side of town let me know. I’ll lock the doors pack the car and head for the hills


    Mate, have you run the shuttle yet. If not get out and give it a go. Your local netball court is the best place, they are 30m long and are divided into 3 sections. I’m sure you can even figure out 2 sections = 20m.

    6.5 should be pretty easy but I find the best way to lift your level is by doing hill runs. Find a nice steep hill, about 40-50m long. Then sprint to the top pushing as hard as you can go and jog/walk back down. Repeat this 5-10 times depending how you go.

    Do this two to three times a week will help build your cardio.

    Another way is to do the higher levels of the shuttle. Start at say level 7. Do this level then recover durin level 8. Then do 9. Recover 10. Do 11, ect.

    Again this will make you push yourself and build cardio.

    Good luck.


    Boony wrote:

    OK sporty_spidy-20100326-2.jpg

    :laugh: :laugh: :laugh: :laugh: :laugh: :laugh: :laugh:

    na, thanks for all the well wishes and stuff, even boony, he’s not really the spanner he makes out to be. :laugh: :laugh:

    its gotta be done if im gonna win anything personally in this life.
    there isnt a steady future in the building trade for your run of the mill, average joe sparky. people want PLC and motor control experience etc etc and ill get paid to do it ;) i could walk away after 4 years and get into anything, mining, petroleum, solar, high voltage, whatever.
    the ADF is a pretty handy qualification to have under your belt :)

    its only about 15 months of family upset till posting then who knows where for the next 3 years. of course ive spoken for hours with the missus and i think she sees the big picture too. they pay for everything, including moving sammy and all our shit to wherever, with massive rental subsidies etc etc.

    the only down side is…..hoping no wars start :laugh: :laugh:



    menace wrote:

    Boony wrote:

    OK sporty_spidy-20100326-2.jpg

    :laugh: :laugh: :laugh: :laugh: :laugh: :laugh: :laugh:

    na, thanks for all the well wishes and stuff, even boony, he’s not really the spanner he makes out to be. :laugh: :laugh:

    its gotta be done if im gonna win anything personally in this life.
    there isnt a steady future in the building trade for your run of the mill, average joe sparky. people want PLC and motor control experience etc etc and ill get paid to do it ;) i could walk away after 4 years and get into anything, mining, petroleum, solar, high voltage, whatever.
    the ADF is a pretty handy qualification to have under your belt :)

    its only about 15 months of family upset till posting then who knows where for the next 3 years. of course ive spoken for hours with the missus and i think she sees the big picture too. they pay for everything, including moving sammy and all our shit to wherever, with massive rental subsidies etc etc.

    the only down side is…..hoping no wars start :laugh: :laugh:

    If a war does start remmber this one tip…aim the bitey end of the gun at the baddy best_funny_pictures_safe_gun.jpg


    got it covered, leave the safety on and just make a “rat-a-tat-tat” noise ;)



    yep that`ll impress the sergent no end,,,


    im well read on salutations :P




    Menace you’ll be good on the day.
    Be prepared to sign on the dotted line there and then when you do the tests and pass.
    It wasn’t hard for me (electrician), I was going to be avionics tech. probably working on the chinooks which later got sold to the USA, I would’ve gone to USA with them probably.
    It took me by surprise when I did the tests and passed everything to the point of “you’re in, sign here – this is your last chance to not join!”

    I bailed out and now I regret it.

    That was 15 years ago and there was no physical, just tests, maths (fractions were hardest for me), psych, medical, you name it.

    Eat healthy food, not much meat, pasta, veg and fruit.
    Not too much fruit, excess sugar is energy, your body stores energy as fat.
    My fav healthy food is minestrone soup, chunky.
    Go forth and prosper.



    Well said Wikd IMO you are on the money. Good luck Menace you will go well mate



    Dwayne O

    Go Hard Spidy & Good Luck with it all mate.
    You could be a Newy Neighbour & end up flying the new Super Hornets out of Williamtown near me :laugh: :laugh: :laugh:

    They arrived today for Amberly Base to replace the F111 :woohoo:



    Good onya Meance.

    The key I found to training is doing exercise that you enjoy. Going to the gym to ‘pump’ iron and walk on a treadmill may not be fun for you, so get outside and walk the streets and keep very active throughout the day. You’ll be surprised how fit you can get.

    Keep us up to date mate.


    Adrian Lee

    NO NO NO.I woke in the middle of the night screaming.Dennis i dont think you have put enough thought into this,When you go away who is going to be our VTB ? :( :( :(


    aido wrote:

    NO NO NO.I woke in the middle of the night screaming.Dennis i dont think you have put enough thought into this,When you go away who is going to be our VTB ? :( :( :(

    i vote for you mate……. :P


    Adrian Lee

    menace wrote:

    aido wrote:

    NO NO NO.I woke in the middle of the night screaming.Dennis i dont think you have put enough thought into this,When you go away who is going to be our VTB ? :( :( :(

    i vote for you mate……. :P

    Im a follower not a leader. TB you will have to relocate someone down here to lead us :)



    aido wrote:

    menace wrote:

    aido wrote:

    NO NO NO.I woke in the middle of the night screaming.Dennis i dont think you have put enough thought into this,When you go away who is going to be our VTB ? :( :( :(

    i vote for you mate……. :P

    Im a follower not a leader. TB you will have to relocate someone down here to lead us :)

    Ha ha Aido if Menace moves to NSW, all of NSW will relocate to VIC or QLD so you will have plenty of people more capable then me to lead you :laugh:


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