
This topic contains 14 replies, has 0 voices, and was last updated by  glenn 14 years, 3 months ago.

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    This sunday i`ve organized a bit of a ride with a difference, :ohmy: My youngest daughters school is holding a 18 hole charity golf day, I have registered, Aaron,PEP, myself and a mate from work as a team in the 4 ball ambrose event. I have also managed to hire 2 motorized golf carts god help the golf course:cheer: :cheer: :cheer: :cheer: :cheer: :cheer: . This should be something different.

    yeah I know its not a dirt bike ride, but HEY , you dont think we would use them if we could… :silly: :silly: :silly:

    Boony :woohoo:



    put a set of kendas on the buggys and give the greenkeeper a bit of overtime


    Aaron Wilde

    You know all golf courses should be bike tracks :laugh: My old man is a golf fanatic. I think the only thing good about golf is that you can drink while you do it! It’s gunna be a fun day. But Monday could be a different story :laugh:



    Old mate at the cart hire place said”do you want a yamaha cart,,I said,,,hell no it wont mate the distance” :woohoo: :woohoo: :woohoo: :woohoo: :woohoo: :woohoo: monday will hurt Aaron thats for sure, :blink: :blink: :blink: :blink: :blink: :dry:


    Mick D

    Golf?????? Never heard of it, :blink: must be something guys who can’t ride do, :blink:

    Wrong forum. :dry:



    i went into a charity 4 man ambrose for our footy club years ago they only used my shot once out of 18 holes



    micknmeld wrote:

    Golf?????? Never heard of it, :blink: must be something guys who can’t ride do, :blink:

    Wrong forum. :dry:

    its a good drive ruined by a little white ball, or in your case a little pink ball :laugh:



    I moved this to the “Off Topic, Hobbies, Fishing, Woodworking, Gardening and other G*y Activities” forum because the G*y bit covers it and Boony :laugh: :laugh: :laugh:

    Have fun guys ;)




    OMG!!!! THIS RIDE REPORT IS GUNNA BE A PEARLER We just need to sober up and then we will share it,, Top day had by all.


    Aaron Wilde

    Just to like to thank Boony for organising this golf event. Next time you are on a ride and you are thinking he is a bit of a gumby you might be right :laugh:But do not take him on on the golf scene unless you are a bit confident because he could kick you but. :laugh: Yes he is not tooootalllyyy useless. Boony turned up at the clubhouse looking well sort of normal but soon we became aware that he had applied Deep Heat to his body because he said he was stiff! There are other ways to deal with that mate :laugh: Anyway while we we out doing such g*y activities as playing golf you can rest assured that bikes were never far from our mind. One of the downers for the day was that no motorized carts were allowed as the course was deemed too wet. :angry: Probably a good thing as we would have been kicked off for sure for jumping the cart or something stupid. Yes we had to walk the whole 18 holes and we started and finished a long way from the club house. It was probably a good thing though as the higher metabolic rate we were maintaining stopped me from becoming too intoxicated to breathe :laugh: The “track” was moist and there were a few water hazards that blocked our path and in normal old bulls style speed was the answer. The biggest issue with golfing is that if you pull a buggy through a puddle the spray comes forward on you! Lucky there was not too many officials on the course as I had to do a few holes with my shoes off to dry my feet out! Thanks to all for getting my vehicle and I back home safely as I was in no state to drive. Yeah it was not a day on the bike but we all had fun. It did give us time to work on our Mexico plans and days for the kids to ride the bikes. Since getting home I have already had an alcohol induced sleep and revving for not helping to get the kids to bed but it was all worth it. I have a good vid that Boony is going to teach me to put on here later. Sorry to all for having to endure our boring story of alcoholism and a small white ball.All I can say is bring on more days like this when we cant be on the bikes as it was certainly fun.



    my head hurts… :( :(

    Golf,,,Old Bulls Style.

    Pep being serious as usual

    The corner man system working a treat.

    the next shark in the making????not


    Aaron Wilde

    Boony you have exposed my poor form as I have a putter in my hand and really should be chipping. :laugh: Would love to eat some breakfast but I don’t want to see it again. Yes I’m regretting it now. I probably wont be able to make the Mexico ride as I have a hangover that will probably last till then. :) :laugh:



    wrong fairway Aaron , but hey al least you hit it. 12122010007.jpg

    Photography at its best hey????



    check out the golf shoes on this peanut




    bad landing following some good air

    crashed and burnt.

    the take off ramp.

    By far the funniest game of golf I have ever played, bring on the kids school charity golf day next year.



    Aaron Wilde

    Well this might be a crap subject but I am using it to learn how to post videos on here. That way I might find some ones worth watching so you can stop your bitching :laugh: Menace has been teaching me although he does not know it as I used his how to in the Tech help area.

    Well this is Pep with his Unhappy Gilmore shot. Yes that is my stupid drunk laugh in the background.Hope this works menace!

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