Fraser Island Long weekend 31/1-2/2/14…

Home Forums Ride Reports Fraser Island Long weekend 31/1-2/2/14…

This topic contains 5 replies, has 0 voices, and was last updated by  Jeffrey Smith 11 years, 1 month ago.

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  • #103638


    Went with a couple of young ride buddies..

    Had an Awesome time…

    Conditions were prime..

    Vid if interested..




    nice B)


    Mick D

    Been there a couple of times in the 4×4, looks great for bikes, although I would always be worried about the big ARB bullbar around every corner! Thanks for sharing.

    micknmeld wrote:
    Been there a couple of times in the 4×4, looks great for bikes, although I would always be worried about the big ARB bullbar around every corner! Thanks for sharing.

    +1 Mick

    I had a close call with some guys on bikes coming around a corner and near embedding themselves in my bullbar when I was there a few years back.



    Must have been a blast,I love that place,sand looks pretty packed to,must of had some good rain on it.

    Cheers Teza :)


    Mike Wyeth

    Great vid Wayne , looks like it was perfect up there for the bikes ;)

    Nice one mate

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