great ride thanks for organising it Galey and ktm rules for taking us on those cool tracks :woohoo: .had a top weekend allso got to race bob 👿 and watch him stack :blink: and it was basically all single track could not ask for more .the seenery was beutiful in there think i should take more notice of it .great photo s ktm rules thanks for puting them up
Unfortunately due to work commitments I was not able to make the Saturday rides. I did manage to get up there late Saturday afternoon and by the sounds of the reports and look of all those that did ride it was a big day.
Sunday morning KTM_Rules lead us out on a loop on the Western side of Wolgan Rd. I ride this side on occasion but when I ride there alone I only really scratch the surface of what’s in there. We went over mountains, along steep hillsides, across ridge tops and down some steep rocky hills I was glad we weren’t going back up. Some awesome country to ride and magnificent scenery if you have time to stop and look around.
I managed to make it to the 50km mark when a combination of the heat, lack of ride fitness and arm pump got the better of me. I was starting to make stupid mistakes and struggling just to hold on. If I kept going I would have been risking getting hurt and spoiling what had been a great day thus far. Once out onto a fire trail I recognised I pulled the pin and headed for camp with a grin for ear to ear. Thanks for organising a great weekend Galey and KTM_Rules for the challenging trails.
I got some video but only of the first 15-20km or so as my card was full. Forgot to delete old videos before I came.