Galey’s XMAS Weekend Gathering

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This topic contains 121 replies, has 0 voices, and was last updated by  Andrew 12 years, 2 months ago.

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  • #233664

    Ben Guest



    Adrian Gale
    Bob wrote:
    Thrillseeker wrote:

    Hey Galey please explain whats happening in this photo mate?

    My view B) – The hill to gnarly for you so you had to push it up :laugh: even after you put a new rear tyre on Sunday Morning ;)

    There weren’t to many SQUEELS of joy on Sun from the little red riding hood , he binned it a couple o times :laugh:

    Nice work lads.

    The pic was from a simple hill really. It did have a rut that tempted you in and then if you didnt look far enough ahead, had a couple of roots that slowed or stopped you. It stopped me but a quick hop off the bike and push past it was enough to get me out of jail. KTM’s video will show what happened.

    I am not biting BoB. I did have a lay over when I BoBBled twice on a rocky slope that took away all my momentum. You came past on the horn and I thought, OK BoB got that on video.It was too hot for :woohoo: :woohoo: up the hills mate. Maybe i wasnt pumped up enough! :blink:

    Thriller, my last ride rear tyre was shagged after the two rides on Friday and Saturday, so with Krusty KTM sponsorship, he dropped me a couple of unwanted rears which I choose to fit the best one for KTM_Rules Sunday cruise. I didnt want to be the only one having trouble on the hills because i had no rear tyre left. I borrowed 2 levers off Scotty and with my 2 pulled the mousse off no dramas, but had to fit my 21 inch UHD tube to the big 140 tyre instead of my favoured mousse.
    Any crashes or struggles will be put down to getting used to the new rubber! :whistle:

    Wolfie the SD card in my camera failed on me late in the ride. I am not sure if the card be recovered or not. Enjoy todays ride with Adam.



    GaleyKTM300 wrote:
    The first of many mate.

    Goccy dropped the flag to start , Krusty missed the start. We may have to wait for his footage to see how he went.

    Hanging for KTM’s video edit from Sunday. :woohoo:

    Wolfies up early again! :laugh:

    I lined up but didn’t jump…. 👿



    Galey, awesome weekend,even if it was only the saturday loop. Thanks lads for setting up a good camp,and also Galey and KTM_rules for leading the twp groups.

    Great riding,top blokes and plenty of laughs around the fire,even if we do stray off the subject of bikes for a while and onto four wheel drives,fishing,Hunting etc Galey loves it.

    It was good having a scrap out on the trails with Gocman,Galey,Twobanger, Mickktm300 and Wolfie.

    That S12 of mine hooked up well on that drag race. Good times.





    I wear the under armour only in Winter because it is hot and wear External Fox armour in the warmer months as it breathes alot better.

    Glad you finally got some.



    Bob Dowsett
    GaleyKTM300 wrote:
    Bob wrote:
    Thrillseeker wrote:

    I am not biting BoB. I did have a lay over when I BoBBled twice on a rocky slope that took away all my momentum. You came past on the horn and I thought, OK BoB got that on video.It was too hot for :woohoo: :woohoo: up the hills mate. Maybe i wasnt pumped up enough! :blink:


    C’mon just a little :cheer:


    Bob Dowsett
    MARTY 450 wrote:

    I wear the under armour only in Winter because it is hot and wear External Fox armour in the warmer months as it breathes alot better.

    Glad you finally got some.


    Yeh i don’t like mine it annoys me ,I think it might just be the 33years I’ve rode bikes without it that may be the problem

    I can’t wear it underneath it irritates me too much and I’m not putting 3 layers on

    So its outside or in the bag ………………………its the new style


    Chris Dodd

    It’s ready, just can’t upload it at the moment. Son’s playing Warcraft and it will slow him down too much and he then dies :ohmy:

    Will do tonight though :)


    hey Chris, he will live again, evidentely.????
    Cheers murphio


    Just listening to Tex Perkins, playing Johny Cash. :woohoo: :woohoo: :woohoo: :woohoo: :woohoo: 👿 :whistle: B) :woohoo: ;) ;) ;) ;) ;) ;) ;) ;) ;) ;) ;) ;)


    Hell, I kinda wish’d I was there
    Don’t take your guns to town. :whistle: BOY
    Don’t take your guns to town. :woohoo: DUDE
    Shit, I think Johnny is kinda lost….??
    And so am I
    Cocaine, aint all its made to be. ??
    Although it was far better 25 years ago. :woohoo: :woohoo:
    Murphhhhhhhhhhh da surfffffffffff


    Kinda sorryrryryyyry
    Hey, Take the ribbon from your hair??
    Help me make it through the night!!!!
    Help me make it through the night!!!!
    Yesterday is dead and gone
    Help me make it through the night!!!!
    Murph-da-wishing da surf had some kinda consistacy (spelling)
    Love you all
    But it aint me babe. :pinch: :pinch: :pinch: 👿 :whistle: B) B) B) B) B) B) B) B) B) B) B) B) B) B) B) B) B) B) B) B) B) B) B) B) B) B) B) B) B) B) B) B) B) :cheer: :cheer: :cheer: :cheer:


    Hi I’m Johny Cash. 👿 👿 :whistle: ;) :pinch: :pinch: :pinch: B)


    Hey, sorry about all that shit. :dry: :dry: :dry:
    I’m kinda busted. :blink:
    Well I am here for a feckin little longer
    See what happens. :whistle: :pinch:


    Ready Ready Ready. :whistle: :pinch: B)
    P.S. Take your time Chris. BTW a ring of fire
    Johnny Cash?????????!!!!
    God I am getting old.
    I am in the wrong shittin holeagain :whistle: 👿

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