Galey’s XMAS Weekend Gathering

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This topic contains 121 replies, has 0 voices, and was last updated by  Andrew 12 years, 2 months ago.

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  • #233734

    Adrian Gale

    The Frenzy pauses for a snack at the Junction

    Gocman has a dip in a dry creek.

    Gocman in the ferns on the Eagles Nest track.

    How’s the serenity?


    Adrian Gale

    Be afraid…be very afraid!


    Adrian Gale

    Rocket, Wolfie, Mick25 & Thriller early Saturday morning.

    The G4 boys depart for their 7.5hr 85km loop.

    Krusty visualizes his block passes on MM.


    Cool pics, Galey. B)
    Good to see some bike pics whilst at work
    Reminds me of why I work shift work (so as to be able to pay for this dirtbike habbit) :woohoo: :woohoo:


    Adrian Gale

    Grade 3 action from Saturday morning.



    NIce vid Galey, fixed the link for ya mate ;)



    Adrian Gale

    Sensational Saturday

    • Day 2 arrived with blue skies. The BBQ was fired up for the B&E rolls while some had their Weetbix.
    • KTM_Rules was keen and arrived early. News came in of a smash on the Hwy so Gocman and Marty450 stayed longer at the meet point to pick up any stragglers. Krusty showed up then Marty and Goccy. With no word from Mickktm300 and hoping he was not involved in the accident; Marty drove to get service and called him to no answer. The lads knew he had a Christmas party the night before so he may have been under the weather or in a gutter.

    • KTM_Rules group of Mick25, Thrillseeker and White Rocket geared up and headed off on their grade 4, 85km loop. We did not see them again until 7pm.

    • The KTM Frenzy grade 3 lads kitted up and headed to Wolfe’s rock shelf. Krusty, Gocman, Wolfie, Marty450 who started as sweep and I all had no trouble. It was a good start to the ride. We headed along Marys Track and stopped at the Wolgan Valley lookout for some pics.
    • We covered the rest of Marys ST and joined the main ST that runs parallel to BFH FT.
    • The group was moving well with no major obstacles causing havoc.

    • We did come across a baby sugar glider that had fallen from its tree onto the trail. I thought it was a bearded dragon as it reared up at me when I stopped. It climbed onto the 300 so I picked it up behind the head. The lads arrived on the scene with the horde of bikes causing alarm to the little thing. Nek minute it was biting through my glove into my clutch finger. Luckily it didn’t have big teeth. With the beast hanging off my finger I yelled at Goccy to do something before I lost the digit. He did his best Steve Irwin attempt but fear took hold of him. Marty Monster was called into action by a clearly distressed Goccy to assist in the ravenous beast’s removal. All manner of ways were tried, Gatorade on its head, gently pulling it even a small stick for it to chew on. The only remedy was to remove the glove and put the fearsome creature on terra firma. Once on the deck it opened it steely jaws, dropping the glove and then it made a fast paced hopping dash to the tree whence it belonged.

    To be continued…



    GaleyKTM300 wrote:

    Looks like a Sutto’s KTM ride day this clip……like the commentary too.



    Well I suppose it is time to tell my story…. :P Thanks to Galey for Organising a great ride weekend.. Galey puts in a great effort and should be commended!!!

    I managed to record around 1.5 or so hours of footage with about 45-60 minutes of it useable as I just turned it on and left it going… I have 7 videos total with 4 from the morning and 3 in the afternoon… Battery ran out just as we hit the more challenging stuff in the afternoon… Too bad as there was some gnarly stuff we took on right after it stopped recording. The videos pretty much tell the story from my view and flows nicely….

    My original plan was to get there on Friday and camp however 2 sick children and a wife proved difficult so I opted for a day ride Saturday.. What a day it was… We did a morning loop and an afternoon loop… The morning loop was mostly grade 3 terrain with a little 4 thrown in and with a moderate pace……. We rode some tracks I’ve ridden before and some new ones which were quite nice… Some of the tracks were pretty much goat tracks and proved challenging.. I had a few moments which were mostly stupid amateur mistakes or no where for the foot to be planted and loosing balance dropping the bike… Great morning with a great crew… We headed out a bit after 9am and returned around 1pm to have some lunch…

    Lidsdale Area 08/12/2012 – Morning Loop Part 1


    Lidsdale Area 08/12/2012 – Morning Loop Part 2


    Lidsdale Area 08/12/2012 – Morning Loop Part 3


    Lidsdale Area 08/12/2012 – Morning Loop Part 4


    After a good feed, refuel and water top up we geared up for the afternoon loop… Wolfie decided to stay back and twobanger joined us.. It was hoot riding with twobanger as he man handles his big bore very well and provided some really good tips… The gang decided to cross over to the other side of Wolgan road.. I’ve ridden this side before but only the main tracks… There is a massive amount of singles out there if you know where to look… Gocman had a loop on his GPS from times past and handed it over to Galey to lead us around it. It started with some really fast flowing single and twin track and some FT… Slowly as we headed deeper in the riding got harder and harder… I was handling things pretty good until the 3rd or 4th hill which was a rut and rooted infested steep climb that everyone had a hard time with… Galey ended riding my bike up from the half way point and walking up put me over the edge of fatigue… By this time I was wishing for a FT to bail but nothing…. I finally reached total fatigue a short time later and started slow speed crashing… In the space of about 300 meters or so I must have crashed 6 or 7 times… twobanger was behind me and kept trying to get me to rest but I wanted to keep going and get out.. Finally I couldn’t go on anymore… when I finally caught up to the others who were waiting I told em I couldn’t go on… Galey put things into perspective as I had 2 choices.. man up and ride out or f$%^ing walk… We finally hit a main FT and Marty Gocman and myself waited for Galey and twobanger… Nothing for a while and then you could here a bike trying to run but no such luck.. Turns out two bangers bike backfired and popped the air box connection from the air box to the carbie out… After some fiddling they got it running and we all headed back to camp.. I for one was beaten… It was a hard ride but in the end it was what I needed as one can’t improve if they don’t do the hard stuff…

    Lidsdale Area 08/12/2012 – Afternoon Loop Part 1


    Lidsdale Area 08/12/2012 – Afternoon Loop Part 2


    Lidsdale Area 08/12/2012 – Afternoon Loop Part 3




    Adrian Gale

    Krusty, top report and videos. Number 7 needs looking into as you may have breached some top secret stuff as it wont play.

    On the arvo loop you did really well considering the tough loop in the morning and the terrain we tackled that arvo. We have all been at a low point on the ride/loop where you are exhausted or your bike is busted up and you need to keep going. You had a target of getting to the FT and man did you pick up when we got there.
    On another day you could have ridden that mad hill, but I wanted you to keep your energy for the rest of the loop.
    Grab some of those Endura energy gels I gave you on the arvo loop from Suttos. Keep some in your gearbag for those types of rides when you are knackered.




    Great R R and vids there Krusty,Good choise of music to. I never seem to tier of watching theses vids of you guyes out there having a blast,,Maybe cose I haven’t riden since last May. Good work on the vids too.
    Cheers Teza.


    GaleyKTM300 wrote:
    Krusty, top report and videos. Number 7 needs looking into as you may have breached some top secret stuff as it wont play.


    I guess Lynard Skinner ok’d it as #7 now plays… :huh:


    Adam Rodgers
    Krusty wrote:
    GaleyKTM300 wrote:
    Krusty, top report and videos. Number 7 needs looking into as you may have breached some top secret stuff as it wont play.


    I guess Lynard Skinner ok’d it as #7 now plays… :huh:

    Top vids Krusty I’m guessing Sweet Home Alabama is the culprit, still not working for me :(

    Thoroughly enjoyed Peace Frog ;)



    adam wrote:
    Krusty wrote:
    GaleyKTM300 wrote:
    Krusty, top report and videos. Number 7 needs looking into as you may have breached some top secret stuff as it wont play.


    I guess Lynard Skinner ok’d it as #7 now plays… :huh:

    Top vids Krusty I’m guessing Sweet Home Alabama is the culprit, still not working for me :(

    Thoroughly enjoyed Peace Frog ;)


    No its “The Breezer” Try going directly to You Tube?



    Great videos Krusty, good music also. Awesome trails and top weekend.


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