
Home Forums Introduce Yourself G’day

This topic contains 14 replies, has 0 voices, and was last updated by  Matt Cresswell 13 years ago.

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    Hi everyone. Another newbie, my name is Matt Cresswell about to move to the Kempsey/crescent head area within the next two weeks and was put to this site by Ollie who says there are a fair few keen to ride about the place. I like riding anything i.e. trails, tracks and ride an rmz 450. Just keen to get a ride in on the weekends and meet new people within the area. Look forward to hopefully meeting some of you soon.



    Welcome mate, this joint is a madhouse , run now Mate, it’s not too late.

    Seriously you won’t meet a nicer bunch of guys except for Puddles( joking petal ) who are all more than willing to help out with a ride or two, you also are moving into a really great area for our passion- riding bikes

    See you on a ride real soon



    Welcome Matt a mate of Ollie’s has to be a good bloke. Enjoy your move and hope to see you soon enough. How does the RMZ go mate, injected aren’t they? Is it registered? Have the makings of a good trail bike coming from the same stable as the DRs

    Welcome again




    welcome Cressy, told you would be made welcome mate ;) make sure you hook up a ride with Kram, he will show you all the tracks behind my Parents place. If you want to do some racing, Moose on here is the President of Hastings Valley MCC,Bull is Vice Pres and KTMrat (Dave) can put you in one of his MX classes to learn all the essentials.
    Welcome to Dirt bike heaven mate B)



    Mick D

    Welcome Cressy, thanks for the intro. If you are moving up this way, no doubt our paths will cross. You certainly are moving to a great part of the coast for dirt bike riding.


    Cheers everyone, having somewhere to ride will make the move a whole lot easier. Trailboss it is an injected one, not registered or anything which could be a problem maybe but see how we go. Looking to move down next weekend so hopefully run into a few of you.
    See ya soon



    Welcome Cressy

    You have picked a good place to move to plenty of great blokes around to ride with some of the best riding country around welcome to the OBT




    Hi everyone.
    So I have my bike up here now pretty settled in and that so Im keen to go for a ride whenever anyone is willing to take me. Might look into this Old Bull North Coast ride in the next couple of weeks. Anyway I look forward to meeting some of you soon hopefully.


    Mick D
    Cressy wrote:
    Hi everyone.
    So I have my bike up here now pretty settled in and that so Im keen to go for a ride whenever anyone is willing to take me. Might look into this Old Bull North Coast ride in the next couple of weeks. Anyway I look forward to meeting some of you soon hopefully.

    Hey Cressy, The ride at Bull’s place is only half an hour or so from Kempsey so you’d be mad not to get on it. There has been a few guys pull out so I am sure you’d get a start if you put your name in.

    Here’s the link to the ride thread.



    micknmeld wrote:
    Cressy wrote:
    Hi everyone.
    So I have my bike up here now pretty settled in and that so Im keen to go for a ride whenever anyone is willing to take me. Might look into this Old Bull North Coast ride in the next couple of weeks. Anyway I look forward to meeting some of you soon hopefully.

    Hey Cressy, The ride at Bull’s place is only half an hour or so from Kempsey so you’d be mad not to get on it. There has been a few guys pull out so I am sure you’d get a start if you put your name in.

    Here’s the link to the ride thread.


    Yeah get onto that for sure Cressy as it’s on Bull’s place which is good not having rego (we don’t have very many unrego rides actually :unsure: ) you will have a ball. Bet your glad the move is over :laugh:

    Welcome again




    Hey cressy good to see you made it ! Give Kram a PM and do some of the tracks behind my parents place in Maria state forest. I am sure the Lantana and the golden Orb spiders need to be knocked down a bit with all this rain!


    Probably see you at Bulls ;)


    I was hoping that was where you were talking about. I only just live down the road from there. Seen a few blokes cruise past on their way there through the week.


    Mark Bunting

    G’day Cressy

    Mate there’s plenty of good riding in the area and good blokes to go with. If you weren’t a mate of Ollies I would have been happy to hook up for a ride :whistle:

    Definately get yourself along to Bulls if you can. You’ll meet a lot local riding folk all at the same time ;)

    Quite a few of us are also members of the Hastings Valley Motorcycle Club. It’s a good club and will be holding quite a few off road type events this year. Us old farts go in em for fun and bench racing afterwards. You’d be more than welcome to join us.

    Give me a PM when you’ve go yourself settled and we’ll go for a blast.

    Kram B)


    Haha no worries, hopefully I catch you all soon.


    Dwayne O

    Hey Cressy,,,
    G`Day mate ;) Welcome to the mad place,,,,,
    You will be spoilt for riding opportunities & riding company up that way for sure !!!

    Might catch ya up there at the HVMCC track one day soon (I plan a make afew more trips up there this year)

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