Gearing question ???

Home Forums Kawasaki Bikes Kawasaki Bikes Gearing question ???

This topic contains 38 replies, has 0 voices, and was last updated by  Dean 15 years, 2 months ago.

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  • #95271

    Dwayne O

    Hi Green Lovers,
    Lookin for info or recommendations on gearing for the KLX250. Bear in mind I will still be commuting on it, so I don`t want her wheelstandin like my old XR did with a 52T on the rear. I remember dicking around for a few weeks with secondhand sprockets till I found the ideal size.
    Obviously you guys have done the groundwork on this one, so I thought I might as well sponge some info as I am still green as s treefrog anyway on the Kawa. :laugh:
    Any info would as usual be extremely appreciated

    CHEERS AGAIN Fellow Green Men (sounds like we are martians or somethin)



    I reckon gearing is all about personal prefernce. I reckon you change it one tooth on the front and see how you like on the road and in the bush. After that you chnage the rear if needs be to gear it up or down :)



    Chris changed his I think he replaced the stock 14 front with a 13 for the bush and it was good, but when I fitted the 300 kit he put the 14 back on as the extra power pulled the taller gearing, some of the places we went yesterday tested your gearing, did I tell it was a great ride!



    Dwayne O

    :angry: YES U DID TB,
    I have been spewing since yesterday arvo for not goin.
    Thanx anyway on the advice on gears, I am calling in to pick up a 13t for the front this week & do what moto suggested, try it on the way to work etc Cheaper than stuffin with the rear to start with I spose !!!



    being a trials rider. moto suggests putting the 14 on the back.
    don’t listen to moto


    Dwayne O

    :laugh: Good one Champo, I like that , however I will Not be trying it:silly:



    champo35 wrote:

    being a trials rider. moto suggests putting the 14 on the back.
    don’t listen to moto

    I recommend 12 for the back ;)

    Eagle – Make sure you try the new gearing in the bush as you may find the new ratio in between gears for thelargest part of the terrain you ride. There’s nothing more annoying than always being in the wrong gear and flicking up and down like a tart’s knickers….


    Dwayne O

    No Worries,
    Looks like I might be dicking around again like with the old XR till I find a happy medium.
    Just have to have a couple of spare sprockets around again I guess



    Dicking you say


    Dwayne O

    HA HA You are quite clever with the little Smilies hey moto :laugh:
    That`s the funniest shit I have seen today by far !!!



    It’s hung around longe than expected. Enjoy it while it lasts, I’ll battle it out with Mick star-wars-smiley-5472.gif



    Hows the trial as a moderator doing Moto? Think your going the score a gig looking over the whole site?



    Trailboss wrote:

    moto wrote:

    Dicking you say?obscene-smiley-7206.gif

    Bet this doesn’t last……

    Hows the trial as a moderator doing Moto? Think your going the score a gig looking over the whole site?


    EDIT – Oh, I get you…..

    Double edit – Delete it.



    I tried :dry:




    You left one in the post above….

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