Gearing question ???

Home Forums Kawasaki Bikes Kawasaki Bikes Gearing question ???

This topic contains 38 replies, has 0 voices, and was last updated by  Dean 15 years, 2 months ago.

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    cheers mate I figured that with the type of riding that I mainly do and my level of fitness that I should have stuck to the two strokes,always enjoy riding the RMX!:woohoo: Now I have to sell the WR450 The Gasgas 300 looks hornB)



    Dwayne O

    Job is Done ,,,,,, Thanks to Mekon`s advice, a real piece of piss job really:blush: Stupid Me
    Reckon I will now sample 2T at a time on the rear to perk it up some more.
    Test ride tomorrow, I hope, rain permitting, I JUST CLEANED THE THING TODAY while stuffing around :)



    You did what Ollie, very nice, look forward to a ride report, wheres tomorrows ride Ollie?




    Probably go up to the Watagans again and go from the Pines this time I also want to suss out a few tracks and If im confident enough may do a lead ride on the Sunday to give you a break. Hope this uploads OK





    Chris,TB probably put that last post in the wrong section you may want to move it.Anyone else on this forum have a 2 stroke Gasser ?

    regards Ollie



    Ollie wrote:

    Probably go up to the Watagans again and go from the Pines this time I also want to suss out a few tracks and If im confident enough may do a lead ride on the Sunday to give you a break.

    That would be great, I like leading but would enjoy some play time in the group, cheers




    To Easy, I have just spoken to gili and we will be at the Pines/Turpentine parking area tomorrow at about 8:45 if anyone wants to come along you are welcome (eagle?) will only be going steady as I will be trying to link up some trails and we have a Newby along with us.

    cheers Ollie


    Dwayne O

    No Can Do Ollie, Thanks anyway for the invite,
    I have 2 cars to service/clean tomorrow , may fit in a half hour road run after lunch if the weather holds up.
    Have a good day boys :)



    I have also tried a few differant sprockets for my KLX 250 08 I find the best for around town which is what I really brought the bike for and to just cruise around with the other half is 14/46 out bush on nice open trails a 13/46 and when I head in the steep slower stuff a 13/48 I am soon to get a new chain and sprocket set and with the new links I cut off my other chain I will easerly be able to play around with differant sizes I am going to try a 13/50 and a 14/52 for the hilly areas I go as it will give me more gears I can select and much better pull on the big hills.

    Cheers Mick.

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