Get your self and love ones checked!!!!!

This topic contains 4 replies, has 0 voices, and was last updated by  Jeffrey Smith 12 years, 11 months ago.

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    Today i will be attending a funeral to say good bye to a friend who has lost her life to breast cancer. 2 months ago i was at a funeral for my bosses wife who to lost her life to breast cancer.

    a guy next door to me at work had bowel cancer but because he demanded he got a PCA test done on his medical they picked it up early and got it 100% so he was lucky.

    So please get checked talk to your doctor.


    Adam Rodgers

    Sound advice from the young fella ;)

    It can’t be too early but it can be too late :dry:



    It’s a devastating disease Cory.

    My ex-wife is currently battling breast cancer and although she is my ex-wife we have three children together and I still have a fairly close relationship. Fingers crossed they detected it early enough and she has a full recovery but its still a long road and as most will know the treatment is almost as bad as the disease itself.


    I got myself checked last week. It is only a blood test for prostate cancer these days, no “intrusive” inspections.

    My Daughter and her partner are organising a fundraiser after they lost a friend recently who died of liver cancer which came from a melanoma. She was only 22 or 23 and pst away 3 months after they found it.
    At the same time mt daughters fiance’s father was diagnosed with prostate cancer and is currently undergoing treeatment in an attampt to beat it.
    If you are on facebook look for the Brave Shave for Emma & Gordon and make a donation.
    The future son-in-law will be shaving his dreadlocks and Gordon will be shaving the beard he has had for 37years, Gordon’s wife has never even seen him without a beard.


    I’m another convert for getting things checked out sooner rather than later. A couple of years ago my family got smashed with the the big C. During the same period my mother had lung cancer, my sister ovarion cancer and I had a lowly skin cancer, which required surgery and radio therapy. Only last week, the father in law found out he has prostrate cancer after the tests came back.

    It only takes a short while to get a test, but it could save you a life time.

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