Goggle Camera by Liquid Image

Home Forums Product Reviews Product Reviews Goggle Camera by Liquid Image

This topic contains 55 replies, has 0 voices, and was last updated by  Greg 12 years, 5 months ago.

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  • #205762

    Bob Dowsett

    I have thought about these , since my gopro is dodgy
    might have to tinker with it again ………….with a hammer

    Footage seems to be good ……..Better than a poke in the eye with a blunt stick :laugh: :pinch:

    Sorry that wasn’t funny but i couldn’t resist
    very very lucky indeed


    Bob Dowsett

    I’m still thinking about these
    Has anyone else got them

    Whats better 720 0r 1080 (upload /download time ,quality, is 720 good enough or would you just go 1080)

    I’m sick of forgetting to get camera out and or twisting like a pretzel to get it out.


    Nick Jackson
    Bob wrote:
    I’m still thinking about these
    Has anyone else got them

    Whats better 720 0r 1080 (upload /download time ,quality, is 720 good enough or would you just go 1080)

    I’m sick of forgetting to get camera out and or twisting like a pretzel to get it out.

    I have the 720 Bob and the quality is very good , same as DVD, the upload time to YouTube isn’t too bad but whatever you get YouTube will compress it to 340 (I think ?) unless the person watching adjusts their settings.

    If you want the footage more for your own personnel use I would go the 1080 but if your mainly uploading to YouTube the 720 is fine in my opinion .



    Bob Dowsett

    2* 1080’S on their way

    Aparrently you can have either 720 or 1080 on the 1080 version ??


    Bob Dowsett

    Ok deal is done

    tried one pair out they seem really good

    A couple of questions for the tech savvy (I don’t have the patience to be tech savvy)

    I have 1080 and 720 version …………720 will give me a longer recording time yes?

    I got 40 min out of a 4gb c ard on 1080

    What life should i expect out of a battery so as i can match card to battery life

    I can’t seem to plug my goggles straight into Tv , thinking this may be because it was 1080 not 720??

    What software are people using to edit movies on PC , is it free

    What software are people using on ipads??? Haven’t got it or used it yet ??

    I’m not after a flash program just one to cut out all of the dead boring footage , wouldn’t mind trying to do the flash edits like some people on here but as i said patience, time and computer skills


    Any input would be appreciated :woohoo: B) :)


    Nick Jackson

    I get about 1 1/2 hrs filming at 720 on 4GB card

    Over 2 hours battery life filming but I fill my card well before the batteries flat

    Can’t plug straight into the tv as far as I know , you have to load onto your PC.

    I use Imovies on Mac and it’s very simple , not sure what the PC equivalent is ??

    When I load a movie I can put it in iTunes then load it on my iPhone / iPad

    Hope this helps :)



    Adam Rodgers
    Bob wrote:
    What software are people using to edit movies on PC , is it free


    Windows Live Movie Maker is a free download from Microsoft.

    It’s easy to use and uploads to your Youtube account easily, or you can save it in most formats including DVD. Did I say it’s free ;)


    Bob wrote:
    Ok deal is done

    tried one pair out they seem really good

    A couple of questions for the tech savvy (I don’t have the patience to be tech savvy)

    I have 1080 and 720 version …………720 will give me a longer recording time yes?

    I got 40 min out of a 4gb c ard on 1080

    What life should i expect out of a battery so as i can match card to battery life

    I can’t seem to plug my goggles straight into Tv , thinking this may be because it was 1080 not 720??

    What software are people using to edit movies on PC , is it free

    What software are people using on ipads??? Haven’t got it or used it yet ??

    I’m not after a flash program just one to cut out all of the dead boring footage , wouldn’t mind trying to do the flash edits like some people on here but as i said patience, time and computer skills


    Any input would be appreciated :woohoo: B) :)

    Hi Bob
    Have a read through here and see if there are some answers for you.

    A http://www.obtrailriders.com/index.php/forum?view=topic&catid=40&id=119399 n
    Anything else just ask the question and I will do my best to help you out.



    Bob Dowsett
    Nickj wrote:
    I get about 1 1/2 hrs filming at 720 on 4GB card

    Over 2 hours battery life filming but I fill my card well before the batteries flat

    Can’t plug straight into the tv as far as I know , you have to load onto your PC.

    I use Imovies on Mac and it’s very simple , not sure what the PC equivalent is ??

    When I load a movie I can put it in iTunes then load it on my iPhone / iPad

    Hope this helps :)


    tried goggles out again today , i seem to only get 40 mins on 4gb card (720 as well as 1080)????


    Adam Rodgers


    4Gb and 40 mins and I’m guessing your cards full.

    If the goggles are the same as the Ego camera then on 1080 it’s 30 frames per second and on 720 it’s 60 frames per second which equates to the same file size.

    1080 @ 30fps gives slightly clearer picture however 720 @ 60fps goes better with movement as there’s twice as many pictures per second (better for slow motion as well).

    Clear as mud :P



    Nick Jackson
    Bob wrote:
    Nickj wrote:
    I get about 1 1/2 hrs filming at 720 on 4GB card

    Over 2 hours battery life filming but I fill my card well before the batteries flat

    Can’t plug straight into the tv as far as I know , you have to load onto your PC.

    I use Imovies on Mac and it’s very simple , not sure what the PC equivalent is ??

    When I load a movie I can put it in iTunes then load it on my iPhone / iPad

    Hope this helps :)


    tried goggles out again today , i seem to only get 40 mins on 4gb card (720 as well as 1080)????

    Did you format the card ? Mine filled up with a heap of files that I couldn’t see so I went into the card via my Mac and deleted all data , back to long film time again.


    Nickj wrote:
    Did you format the card ? Mine filled up with a heap of files that I couldn’t see so I went into the card via my Mac and deleted all data , back to long film time again.

    What he said sounds like a good idea ;) Bob did you start with a new card? Are they a mirco card?


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