Good bye my mate.

This topic contains 64 replies, has 0 voices, and was last updated by  drew 13 years, 1 month ago.

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  • #214236


    Nice ride Boony! I use to have a 525EXC and downsized to the 250 2-strokeEXC. Both great fun and they both had there place on different types of trails.

    You just might need to have a couple of ponies in the stable… ;)



    Bob It’s me your talking about, I won’t need to wring It’s neck to go the speeds I ride, the change was all about the Weight


    Bob Dowsett

    Sorry forgot you were a fat b@#$%D

    water them trees


    well done Boony.

    it was only a matter of time really mate :laugh:

    now, give me 10 Hail Kato’s for your years of blaspheming :laugh: :laugh: :laugh:



    if you can’t roost em join em aye?

    couldn’t take being roosted by the slowest, least capable rider and just had to make sure id doesn’t happen again?

    a new bike is always a good thing, a faster bike is a better thing. an orange one is the best thing. ;)

    i have thought of trading my hefferlump for a smaller version, but just can’t afford or justify it. so i’ll just have to practice, practice, practice.

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