Good Luck TB

This topic contains 73 replies, has 0 voices, and was last updated by  alan 15 years, 2 months ago.

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    Whats the bet he`s looking everywhere for a spare computer to see what we are all up to :woohoo: :woohoo: :woohoo: :woohoo: :woohoo:


    Mark Bunting

    Boony wrote:

    Whats the bet he`s looking everywhere for a spare computer to see what we are all up to :woohoo: :woohoo: :woohoo: :woohoo: :woohoo:

    And if it’s not spare…… Well he’s still got one good arm B) B)



    Just spoke to hima nd he’s all good, still on the drugs so no pain. The doc reckons he may even be back on the bike in as little as 8 weeks :)

    He’ll be back at home tomorrow.


    Mark Bunting

    Moto wrote:

    Just spoke to hima nd he’s all good, still on the drugs so no pain. The doc reckons he may even be back on the bike in as little as 8 weeks :)

    He’ll be back at home tomorrow.

    Dan better start getting in some rideing time on NX, it sounds like he might want it back soon 😆



    8 weeks goes by in a flash, especially with Christmas in the way and all the parties and family visits you have to do. I might become jehova so I can ride more (I still want the time off work though) :P



    Update on TB’s progress
    Before we left home to see TB this arvo I got a phone call.

    Bugger me it was TB.

    He sounded like he had just had a normal day rather than just having his shoulder pulled apart and put back together.
    On our way down to see TB we stopped for tea at top quality restaurant (Macca’s) and then made our way to the hospital. We smuggled a couple of cheese burgers in at TB’s request. I don’t think sangas were cutting it for him.

    I was surprised that TB was very spritely and chipper after having his shoulder done. Shit I slept for three days after having my wisdom teeth out. I thought for sure he would have been feeling a bit sore and sorry for himself after hearing what other people were like after a similar operation. But not TB

    TB and me

    We got TB the “On any Sunday” trilogy to fill in some time while recuperating

    TB gave Emma a Nintendo DS to play with, but Kylie had to have a go. Which lasted well lets just say Emma didn’t get it back in a hurry.

    Taylah wasn’t quite ready for a photo – so she is bound to hate me for this one

    Poor little Emma still waiting for her go on the Nintendo

    Sal’s Mum arrived while we were there as well to see how the patient was going.
    We stayed with TB until about 8.20pm and it was time to go. TB got out of bed and walked us all to the elevator. I still cant believe how good he was after having his op today. We walked Sal’s Mum back to her car and then got going for home.
    We were suppose to stay down at TB’s tonight but we didn’t want to put Sal out and we have got a shit load of stuff to do tomorrow. We hadn’t told TB that we were going home but big mouth Taylah opened her mouth and blabbed.
    TB was a bit pissed at me for telling a bit of a fib about that one – Sorry mate.

    The doctor also came and seen TB while we were there and had some good news – but I will let TB fill everyone in on that one.

    Well looks like Moto has already filled you in on the good news – hows that TB could be back on the bike in as little as 8 weeks – Giddy up


    Dwayne O

    Good to see the big fella looking so spritely in recovery!!!

    Hope all goes well with the rest of the process back to full strength,
    8 weeks , that`s a good result then, back on the fiddy so soon ;)

    See ya soon on the trails TB :)



    I spoke to TB this morning, he’s in good spirits and hoping to be discharged from hospital tomorow.
    He wont be riding until the Docs give him the OK so yeah, about 6-8 weeks they say.



    When we were there the surgeon came to see TB and said that when the shoulder block wore off he would start to feel the pain during the night and then within minutes it would get really bad. When TB rang this morning he said that he got a little bit of a twinge during the night and they gave him some panadol (he was actually prescribed Morphine) and then he was fine.

    He’s pretty tough.


    Dwayne O

    Is he really that tough ??? Or was he hitting the Morphine button not letting on :P :laugh:

    I will ring him as soon as I can and ask him personally ;)

    were there snakes beside the bed ??????

    Wat about an OBT sticker on the wall in there too ???? :laugh:



    EAGLE`02 wrote:

    Is he really that tough ??? Or was he hitting the Morphine button not letting on :P :laugh:

    No morphine button mate

    were there snakes beside the bed ?????? NO



    Trailboss wrote:

    EAGLE`02 wrote:

    Is he really that tough ??? Or was he hitting the Morphine button not letting on :P :laugh:

    No morphine button mate

    were there snakes beside the bed ?????? NO


    so there must be an OBT sticker somewhere!!! :woohoo:

    now that’s the OBT spirit ;)



    Dwayne O

    That`s it XY,,, He forgot to answer that one hey ??? ;)

    Its probably on back of the surgeons car window :laugh:

    I too spoke to the man himself this morning & he is sounding very well & upbeat :)
    A big relief to finally have the prob shoulder repaired I`d say,,,,

    He said all is going really well & ahead of plan for the comeback!!!
    Surgeons have really raised the bar these days on these types of procedures. Good to see , especially for us old blokes in need of a quick recovery :laugh:




    As per Micks request I will do a ride report on this trip, I have see the surgeon on Tuesday and he has some photos etc

    I will type up how they pulled my shoulder apart etc

    Stay tuned if you are interested



    Glad to hear all went well.

    Best of luck for a speedy recovery :)


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