GoPro 4

Home Forums Press Releases Press Releases GoPro 4

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    The rumours are swirling about the new spec GoPro and the release date is meant to be before Christmas. This is what they are saying.


    The Ambarella A9 SoC enables development of the next generation of mirrorless, sports, and digital still cameras (DSCs) with leading- edge video features and exceptional still image quality.

    In addition to 4K Ultra HD video resolution at 30 frames per second, the A9 supports high frame-rate video for capturing fast-action sports with 1080p video at 120 frames per second or 720p video at 240 frames per second.

    The A9 includes dual core ARM® CortexTM-A9 CPUs providing the performance required for advanced applications including wireless connectivity to smartphones for video streaming or image sharing.

    Key Features

    4K Ultra HD H.264 Encoder

    ° High Profile with B-frames for high efficiency

    Super High Frame Rate Modes

    ° 1080p120 and 720p240 for action videography

    Advanced Imaging

    ° 700Mpixels/s oversampling performance
    ° Multi-exposure HDR and WDR tone mapping ° Electronic image stabilization (EIS)
    ° Improved MCTF with advanced sharpening

    Advanced Imaging

    ° 700Mpixels/s oversampling performance
    ° Multi-exposure HDR and WDR tone mapping

    Wi-FiTM Connectivity

    ° Remote viewfinder, playback
    ° Upload pictures and video to social media

    Looks like I just found my Xmas present. :woohoo:



    I’ve been keeping an eye on this one STM since the A9 chip was released back in January. Gopro are keeping very quiet though as there is no official news anywhere. The fact they have discounted the Hero 3 black and silver seems to point to something on the horizon.

    There seems to be a few doubters out there though saying in the past it has taken Gopro 2 years to develop a new camera after the release of the previous A2, A5 and A7 chips used in the Hero, Hero2 and Hero3 respectively.

    My money is still on a pre Christmas release. After the ongoing issues I’ve had with my black, which was one of the first batch I will be waiting to be sure all the bugs are ironed out of the Hero 4 before I jump at one

    The biggest feature for me if it eventuates is IS. The 4k stuff is wasted on me as it will be a some time before I have a computer and TV that can handle 4K, by that time the Hero 5 or even 6 will probably be out.



    i’d probably have a look if they make it not so delicate,

    I mean if you didn’t have to put it in a plastic box to keep dust- water- ect out of it :unsure: :unsure:


    andy29 wrote:
    i’d probably have a look if they make it not so delicate,

    I mean if you didn’t have to put it in a plastic box to keep dust- water- ect out of it :unsure: :unsure:

    They are tough I have been using them for 5 years now and have had other brands. I have dropped them at speed, run over them with the rear wheel of an adv bike twice. You can buy replaceable lenses and when you do crack a plastic box a replacement box as you put it is around $40 with another brand it is a new camera :huh: I have never had a camera fail either and they sometimes spend days vibrating away on the bike when out west on the big rides. The replaceable battery is the best thing having a few batteries means you can film all day.

    Watch the action shows like top gear etc they use nothing but GoPro they are the industry standard for a reason

    While on the 4, it IMO doesn’t matter how brilliant it is etc it comes down to what my computer can run (and it’s a good fast computer better than most people will have) and how dumbed down youtube makes it in the end, not to mention most people either do or can only run it in YouTube on 480 :unsure: Oh and don’t start me on software, I have the latest version of the industry standard final cut pro, but run that through YouTube and watch it in 480 and you may as well watch it through glasses smeared in Vaseline



    simon burke

    i’ve still got the original GoPro :cheer:
    and i havent broken it yet :cheer:
    that…right testiment as to how tough they are :laugh:
    GoPro 4 looks pretty good though…not that i have any idea what all the new stuff is.. :huh:

    Hope you get it in your sack for Chrissy STM :)

    Bol :woohoo:

    andy29 wrote:
    i’d probably have a look if they make it not so delicate,

    I mean if you didn’t have to put it in a plastic box to keep dust- water- ect out of it :unsure: :unsure:

    The plastic box is a good thing at times. I recently after putting my bike on the trailer took my helmet off putting it down on the edge of the trailer. Unbeknown to me the Gopro was leaning against my hot header pipe. Did not even leave a mark. If that had been the camera itself I reacon it would not have come off unscathed.

    I agree with TB that current computer/TV cannot handling the current camera at highest resolutions let alone even faster frame rates, then having to transfer and process massive files but if they can make electronic image stabilisation work I’ll give it ago.

    At present I have a Hero 3 Black and Silver and I like the Silver better for 1080/30fps, go figure.


    The image stabilisation is the kicker for me. It is electronic and not optical but should still be good. You don’t have to film at Super Ultra Full Hd at 1 million frames per second. The lower resolution and smaller frame rates will be an option.



    Richard W

    So a new Go-Pro every year hey, wonder what the grand kids will have. :blink:


    Looks like the new camera won’t be a Hero 4 but an update 3 called the Hero 3+.

    Hero3+ Black Edition
    * 20% smaller and lighter housing (waterproof to 131’/40m)
    * SuperView video mode captures the world’s most immersive wide angle perspective
    * Auto Low Light intelligently adjusts frame rate for stunning low light performance
    * 33% improved image sharpness and reduced distortion
    * Faster built-in Wi-Fi for enhanced connectivity to the Wi-Fi Remote (included) and GoPro App
    * 25% longer battery life
    * Upgraded audio performance

    Hero3+ Silver Edition
    * 20% smaller and lighter housing (waterproof to 131’/40m)
    * 2x faster image processor enables 1080p60 and 720p120 fps video
    * Enhanced low light performance
    * Improved image sharpness and reduced distortion
    * Faster built-in Wi-Fi for enhanced connectivity to the Wi-Fi Remote (sold separately) and GoPro App
    * 25% longer battery life
    * Upgraded audio performance

    Looks like no sign of IS or updated frame rates for 4k. Will have to wait and see what “superview video mode”is and what it does.




    That’s a let down. No real upgrades at all. Looks like the 3 Black on selling is the go.



    singletrackmind wrote:
    That’s a let down. No real upgrades at all. Looks like the 3 Black on selling is the go.


    Battery life is the best news I reckon ;)


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