GoPro Hero2 test, What do ya think?

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    Nato wrote:
    Looks a lot clearer than mine on 420p i wonder why mine are coming out not as good as yours? What editor and what camera settings?

    No editing, Nothing special Nato, I just imported it straight from the camera to the pictures file on my Windows7.
    However, the camera was set on the 1080 option. Also, I think it is important that you spend a little more $ on the SD card. They say minimum class 4, but my video was done on a class 10. I think the writing & transfer rate is quicker. Maybe either of these things is the difference.



    I have a pretty fast internerd connection here and found that Crash’s was painfully slow to load but good footage



    Crash wrote:
    Ditto Nato.
    For Christmas I also got one of those little cameras with a chesty mount and decided to give it a whirl.
    I combined learning about how to drive the camera with learning about my old/new little crf.
    Down south I went for New Years and a few laps of a buds property. His 16 yo son has put in a terrific little track he has made his own.
    So, he put the camera on & chased me around to see how it looks.
    Result……..nothing spectacular, but OK for a first hit out.
    ps. thanks Mal

    Hey Crash,
    Nice Vid, What are the 2 bikes in this vid? both going well.
    Also I think the vids look better when the camera is pointing up the track so you see more sky view than the ground, not as blurry, the chest strap seem to get it spot on.



    I have the class 10 but mine has been through an editor which seems to change it a bit so id say thats where the difference is. It loads fine on my computer.



    These things (go-pros) seem to be the G.O! My son got one for Chrissy that i might have to Borrow(take) ;) .

    I saw a pair of goggles witht he camera on the eye brow line the other day in Woodys and was wondering how they go if anyone knows?

    I like the chest footage for the race type of riding but probably the helmet shot for the adventure and trail ridingstuff to take in a bit more of the scenery?

    Loaded easily and quick here. Hope to see some more of this type of footage.


    Ace wrote:
    These things (go-pros) seem to be the G.O! My son got one for Chrissy that i might have to Borrow(take) ;) .

    I saw a pair of goggles witht he camera on the eye brow line the other day in Woodys and was wondering how they go if anyone knows?

    I like the chest footage for the race type of riding but probably the helmet shot for the adventure and trail ridingstuff to take in a bit more of the scenery?

    Loaded easily and quick here. Hope to see some more of this type of footage.

    Nickj has a set of Liquid Image goggles with the camera in them. Great view I rekon.

    Here’s a sample of Nicks camera.


    Hey Ace

    Over the last year there has been a lot of HD video in ride reports. Mal5.1, Dude, Jeffro, Nickj and myself are all shooting in HD. Have a look back through the ride reports. Recently Mal and Dude posted dome great shots from the 2011 Coffs ride.
    Nickj is using the goggle cam and loves it. You can check out some of his footage on YouTube at Nickj660.




    Hey Crash,
    Nice Vid, What are the 2 bikes in this vid? both going well.
    Also I think the vids look better when the camera is pointing up the track so you see more sky view than the ground, not as blurry, the chest strap seem to get it spot on.


    Both crf250x


    Great footage Nato,

    Did you buy the motorsport kit, Is this the best one to go for?
    Has anyone tried the chestmount or is the view to low?

    Great to see the gasgas going well for you now


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