
Home Forums Product Reviews Product Reviews Graphics

This topic contains 31 replies, has 0 voices, and was last updated by  Eric Smith 11 years, 10 months ago.

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  • #102636

    Hi all,
    I decided to get a new graphics kit for my bike but couldn’t really find anything I liked, so I searched the forum to see what I could find.

    Found a post the recommended Cee N Tee at penrith.

    Close by, with some cred why not give them a go??
    I had no idea what to put on a custom graphics kit so I asked TB if I could use the Old Bull image?

    “go for it mate” he said, being the champion he is :cheer:

    So I contacted Rach at Cee N Tee and gave her very little to work with!
    All I had was, mostly white with the Old Bull stuff on it and its not a factory bike so I don’t want it to look like one! :ohmy:

    This is what she came up with first go :woohoo: :woohoo:
    I love it, you nailed it Thanks Rach






    They were made really quick, no fuss, very reasonable price, and so easy to apply even for a gumby like me :S

    If your after a fresh look for your current true love I wouldn’t hesitate to give them a go ;)



    That is VERY cool!

    You might have to ride Lead, or Sweep, for every ride though now … as “advertising” :-)


    More a sweep rider Razzle, If I were to lead we would be late getting there :laugh:



    That looks awesome!

    I just had to wait 5wks for a sticker kit from slovakia (cheapest on ebay). Good quality but um a bit too bling.

    Love the white on the ktm



    That looks the shiz TR :woohoo: best looking sticker kit I have seen in ages



    simon burke

    THATS the sexyiest KTM i have ever seen :woohoo:
    Nice one Trailrider B)

    Bol :woohoo:


    Mike Wyeth

    Now i will admit i’m not the biggest kato fan :whistle: but that sticker kit does look the bizzo :woohoo:

    Nice work Tee and Cee ;)


    Your on the money Mike, it is Rach at Tee N Cee that can take the credit B)



    Looking the goods there Trailraider



    That looks pretty tidy mate, sweet job on the Graphics Tee n Cee.
    White KTM’s do look sexy B)



    Nice work there TR!! ;) How good is that…….. It sticks out like chrome balls on a black dog there champ! :woohoo:


    jim cady

    Wish I had gone to Tee n Cee when I first got the Tenere.

    Got a couple of filthy big scratches on the tank :pinch:

    Might be an idea for a cover up looks great Trailraider really unique ;)



    That looks freakin’ tops TR!!


    craig evans

    top effort ,i would love something like that but after a cpl rides mine would look like it had gone through a paper shredder from constantly falling off 😆 😆


    Hi Wolfie,
    I’m hearin ya mate but is a reasonable price so if I need to replace it once a year to keep her looking good then so be it!!
    When I think about it, its a no brainer B)

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