Hi all,
I decided to get a new graphics kit for my bike but couldn’t really find anything I liked, so I searched the forum to see what I could find.
Found a post the recommended Cee N Tee at penrith.
Close by, with some cred why not give them a go??
I had no idea what to put on a custom graphics kit so I asked TB if I could use the Old Bull image?
“go for it mate” he said, being the champion he is :cheer:
So I contacted Rach at Cee N Tee and gave her very little to work with!
All I had was, mostly white with the Old Bull stuff on it and its not a factory bike so I don’t want it to look like one! :ohmy:
This is what she came up with first go :woohoo: :woohoo:
I love it, you nailed it Thanks Rach

They were made really quick, no fuss, very reasonable price, and so easy to apply even for a gumby like me :S
If your after a fresh look for your current true love I wouldn’t hesitate to give them a go