H-Birthday Snowy

This topic contains 21 replies, has 0 voices, and was last updated by  Adrian Snowden 12 years, 10 months ago.

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  • #221308

    Happy Birthday Snowy, Have a great one mate.


    Thanks for all the kind thoughts gents, stuffed if I can accept being this old, I dont feel it. Unfortunatley no new bike for a birthday present, the minister for war says I have to pay for the education of all these sprogs. Amazing how much more fun it was making them than it is paying for them. Looking forward to the ride and beers with you lot at Sunny Corner, the black bitch has been stripped overhauled and is ready to go (and just as bloody heavy as ever). Snowy


    Nick Jackson

    Happy birthday Snowy ;)

    Hope you had a top day mate , see you for beers soon hey :woohoo:



    Ron Birrell

    Sorry I’m a bit late, but happy birthday Snowy.
    I hope you had a great day



    Aaron Wilde

    Snow As a serial offender of talking rot, going off topic and being unruly it is with much regret that I stuck to your topic and wish you a happy birthday. :kiss: I hope you fixed that rear mud guard on the drz you would think a person in your line of work would spot a broken tail bone :blink:



    a ditty for ya…….

    to the tune of Flipper,

    Everyone loves the king of the sheep,
    ever so kind and gentle is he,
    tricks he will do around children are queer,
    and the goats get scared when he’s near!

    They call him Snowy, Snowy, slow as a wet week,
    no-one you see, is more Gumby than he,
    and we know Snowy, thinks he is Bear Grills,
    sleeping in camels and drinking his pee!

    Look at the sky when rainclouds appear,
    you can be sure, that Snowy is near,
    call him by name or tickle his sack,
    he’ll give you a ride on his back!

    We know our Snowy, Snowy, knows every excuse,
    no-one can be, much slower than he,
    and we know Snowy, lives in a world full of wonder,
    how will he ever catch up to Boony!

    Many a night, while going down on the sheep,
    the lambs make beds, so Snowy can sleep,
    happy and gay when he comes along,
    they all start baa’ing this song!

    They call him Snowy, Snowy, the dirty rooter,
    uses his dick, to plug all the dykes,
    and we know Snowy, lives in a world full of wonder,
    of how he will ever get a real bike!

    happy birthday you old livestock violating freak! :laugh: :laugh:


    Wow a menace poem for my birthday I’m touched . I’ll make sure I bring a cute goat to the birthday ride to share with you.

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