Hampton 200 the ride that was

Home Forums Ride Reports Hampton 200 the ride that was

This topic contains 55 replies, has 0 voices, and was last updated by  Jeffrey Smith 14 years, 1 month ago.

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    And another that’s it for tonight I’m knackered!!



    Adam Rodgers

    I had my first opportunity as joint sweep on the second ride :)

    By the time I got to the first corner man (x 2) I had lost my co sweep :(

    Now I know DRZ’s are faster than TTR250’s however with a pilot like Factoryphill on board I thought there was no way I would loose him, but go figure, by the time we reached the next corner he was gone :unsure:

    Nowhere to be seen (for quite a while actually). TB eventually hunted him down :P

    We had some fun until TezaH had a fall :( We got him out via a team effort and a 4WD. The resources of Old Bulls are limitless.

    All was then good till pebble broke down :( We tried to fault find the electrics to no avail :(

    So we decided to tow out wondering why no one came to see where we were.

    When it was discovered that a there were a couple of blokes missing (several beers later) a recovery mission was launched ;)

    3/4 of the way out towing a ute showed up :cheer: Boulder the owner (but not the rider) of the stricken DRZ and TB showed up (Bundy in hand) for the final recovery :dry: and the last couple of km’s back to the pub.

    Pebble did well that day :laugh: :laugh: disabling two bikes :laugh: :laugh:

    Needless to say when I offered my services as seweep on Sunday they were politely declined as I’m nothing but bad luck :P :P :laugh: :laugh: :laugh:

    PS had a GREAT time :) and thanks to all who made it most enjoyable.




    Jeffro wrote:

    This is the important one, it’s not much but it’s something.

    What are you talking about Jeffro? Thru the lack of detail, actual footage clairty, clear idenifocation or even some sort of verbal accknowledgement at best it looks like when my bike fell of the stand while I was waiting for you guys to catch up :laugh: :laugh: :laugh: :laugh:

    TB :P



    I have added text to all of Chris’s photos to help people that werent there with who is who or what people are talking about




    Great pics n footage there and some great country to ride in. I was realy having some fun untill I got to feel the texture of those rocks first hand :laugh: Well i cant get in to get an ultrasound on the shoulder until next thursday but will finde out about the X rays later to day.
    Any way I still had a good time with what riding i did, and was great to meat up with some of you blokes at last
    Thanks again,Cheers Teza.



    Thanks to TB for organising a fantastic ride which pushed me to my limits and showed me some skills that I thought I did not have :)
    Also a big thanks to all of the guys that helped me during the saturday ride – especially getting my little red pig up to the top of hamburger hill?? And no thanks to TB for not telling us there was an easier route until the afternoon session!!!. And also to the guys that helped me turn my bike around in some ruts.

    All in all a fantastic day and excellent riding experience for me and I really appreciate all of the advice and tips provided by all of the pro’s.

    OBT is a great bunch of guys to ride with, no pressure and always someone there to lend a hand and offer good advice.

    Thanks you all :-)


    Another great weekend at Hampton, Thanks to Hampton pub for looking after us so well.
    My weekend was cut short due to a cold and sore arm :blush: [its called getting old].
    It was good to meet some new ob’s and touch base with some regulars. I always enjoy riding with my son and it was good to meet Adam and Sam another father son team. Ryan did a rad on his bike Sat morning and so he rode the drz in the afternoon only to break that as well!!
    It was a quick fix for the drz with a wire broken on the Ignition, a spot of solder and she was away again. Thanks to all for there good company and I look forward to getting out for a ride again soon. Good work with the pics as always Chris.


    Thanks to all involved another enjoyable ride with OBT. :)
    Has been a while between drinks so it was good to catch up with new and old bulls. :)
    Great variety of tracks riders and incidents all day :laugh:
    Enjoyed watching and learning from the hotshots carve it up (something to inspire to) :) B) and being able to help the odd stuggler up (Been there done that) :P
    unfortunately couldnt stay on but look forward to the next one :) :)



    Well doc took a look at the Xrays, seems I’v got a busted shoulder.Good news,no plaster,bad news, sling for six weeks.Oh well could have been worse,pluss my job should be ok. Just dissapointed that I couldn’t ride on Sunday,looked like a nice morning for it. :(



    teza h wrote:

    Well doc took a look at the Xrays, seems I’v got a busted shoulder.Good news,no plaster,bad news, sling for six weeks.Oh well could have been worse,pluss my job should be ok. Just dissapointed that I couldn’t ride on Sunday,looked like a nice morning for it. :(

    Get better mate that’s good and bad news mate I will do another ride when your better from Bell to Capertee pub for lunch. Grade 2 max ;)




    Number 3




    And The rest, this should waste at least 45 minutes of your life, enjoy!


    Krusty in a world of hurt, Rocket to the rescue :laugh:

    Reddog on the TTR on stump hill, then they cue up

    Krusty stuck again



    Still More.





    Idle jet gets stuck :laugh:




    Teza on the power line hill

    Recovering Tezza





    Trailboss wrote:

    teza h wrote:

    Well doc took a look at the Xrays, seems I’v got a busted shoulder.Good news,no plaster,bad news, sling for six weeks.Oh well could have been worse,pluss my job should be ok. Just dissapointed that I couldn’t ride on Sunday,looked like a nice morning for it. :(

    Get better mate that’s good and bad news mate I will do another ride when your better from Bell to Capertee pub for lunch. Grade 2 max ;)


    Yeh! thanks TB,Make me sound like an old fart :laugh: I still enjoy a challenge and a bit of a rip,but just a bit rusty on it :blush: :laugh:

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