Happy 40th Aidan hope you have a fantastic day champion 
For those that dont remember Aidan is the guy we found laying around on the Caves to Caves ride that Crash looked after so well.

Aidan is also the guy that forced me to ride his bike 200kms under the thin guise of I was recovering it :laugh:

Aidan’s recovery from his accident hasn’t been without drama and set backs, he has had repeated hospital visits, rushed back with clotting and goes back in two weeks time to have the pins etc removed. I personally take inspiration from Aidan whenever I talk with him as he is always upbeat and now back in the saddle which considering the ongoing problems I think is amazing.
His fall is also I reminder that we should ride with a minunum of 4 riders (when we can I know its not a perfect world) as one can stay and two go for help. And of course the dangers of our fantasic sport as Aidans crash happened at a very low speed on an open trail, so it can and will happen anywhere. Aidan has sold the bemmer and is looking around for another bike while he rides his mates.
Happy 40th Aidan I tip my helmet to you sir